WISEdata Portal Updates
WISEdata Portal: 2022-23 School Year Data Deactivated
As of January 21, 2025, the data for the 2022-23 school year has been removed from WISEdata Portal. The three years of data in WISEdata Portal are now for the 2025-26, 2024-25, and 2023-24 school years.
WISEdata Portal: CTE Courses Updated on Course List for 2025-26 SY
Four new courses were added to the Master Course List in WISEdata Portal. These courses are courses that are specifically taught by technical college instructors, which makes them dual enrollment courses. For this reason, the CTE Department is blank. These courses are for the 2025-26 school year and forward.
The courses that were added are as follows:
- 3637 Wind Energy
- (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-T) Technology and Engineering Education
- 3580 CAD
- (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-T) Technology and Engineering Education
- 3575 Blueprint
- (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-T) Technology and Engineering Education
- 5832 Marketing-Commodities
- (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-M) Marketing Education
WISEdata Portal: Changes to Course Rigor for 2025-26 SY
The Rigor Level property is being removed from the Master Course list starting with the 2025-26 school year. This decision was not made by DPI. This decision came down to DPI from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
WISEdata Portal: Updated KBA Logic for Validation Error 7460
When users are taking the Digital Equity Survey, some of the answers provided can create contradictions, resulting in Validation Error 7460. The KBA has been updated to reflect this error under the Contradiction Scenario 1 - Questions 1 and 2 Do Not Align section.
Ed-Fi Updates
Ed-Fi Credential: New URLs for 2025-26 School Year
The profile screen on the Ed-Fi Credential application now displays the URLs for the 2025-26 school year. The last time that Ed-Fi changed its URLs was the 2023-24 school year, and this caused quite a lot of LEAs to submit Help Tickets because data was not flowing from their SIS vendor tool over to DPI.
The Ed-Fi Credential Application User Guide webpage provides information about these URLs and their very important purpose. Please read the:
Ed-Fi Credential: Home Screen Improvements
Improvements were made to the Ed-Fi Credential API so that data being pushed to DPI from student information systems takes less time to load data and results in fewer errors. Additionally, the last date/time stamp for data queue and validation job is more visible. This is located in the “EdOrgs with L2 Messages and Record Count” section, as a new column: Validation Last Run.
Both of these improvements can be found on the ‘Home’ screen in Ed-Fi Credential.
An additional improvement to the Ed-Fi Credential ‘Home’ screen is a new drop-down section that displays different “Zero-Count” data. These sections will inform school/districts of data areas where no data has been received by DPI. The “Zero-Count” sections include:
- Zero Enrollment Counts
- Zero SSEPA Records
- Zero Roster Data
- Zero Discipline Data
These sections are only visible when the expander tool is clicked on the blue banner reading, “Educational Organizations with Zero Counts.”