The following vendors/organizations offer student information systems (SISs) and other products capable of submitting data to WISEdata based on the widely adopted Ed-Fi Alliance Standards. This list is not a DPI endorsement of vendors. The DPI is unable to endorse specific vendors.
The Vendor Status List contains vendors who have participated in the annual WISEdata Ed-Fi certification process. This is a technical process, providing verification that a vendor system conforms to the Wisconsin Ed-Fi API standard. The test scenarios making up the certification are defined within project list and use case documents. These documents are available to vendors on WI DPI WISEdata Ed-Fi Docs.
Expectations beyond technical certification include:
- Attending the annual WISEdata Vendor Pre-Conference (March)
- Attendinging monthly or as needed vendor calls held by DPI
- Interacting with DPI via email, phone calls, etc to address LEA needs and mid-year changes
- Responding to DPI questions and requests for status updates
WISEdata Ed-Fi certification does not cover vendor software configuration needed to meet state reporting requirements. Configuration is managed by the LEA and vendor.
NOTE: Private School Choice Programs participants who are interested in a School Information System (SIS) vendor not on the list must ensure that their selected vendor complete the New Vendor Application between July 1st and October 31st to be considered for the next school year. See the "Info for Vendors", Ed-Fi Integration page for details.