Private Schools and WISEdata
Private schools have data reporting obligations to submit to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). This webpage was designed specifically for private schools to know what those reporting obligations are.
Information is provided in checklists for key times during the school year:
- Beginning of each new school year,
- December snapshot,
- May snapshot, and
- End of the school year.
- New School Year Checklist
WAMS ID obtained for school specific use.
If you have a personal WAMS ID, please generate a school-specific WAMS ID.
District Security Administrator (DSA) tasks completed, including the DSA Form. (Choice Administrator must be the first account setup in WISEsecure for your school. submit). NOTE: The Choice administrator will automatically be assigned all roles when the DSA role is assigned.
- WISE User Roles set up for staff to access secure reporting applications. Only the Choice Admin/DSA designee may assign access.
- Set Up New WISEdata Users: How To Assign Access to WISEhome Applications
- Ed-Fi Credential
- PI-1207
- School Directory
- WISEadmin Portal - NOTE: Agency Contacts should be specific for each SCHOOL
- WISEid
- WISEdata
- WISEsecure
- NOTE: Choice schools do not collect staff data, so WISEstaff is not required
- Set Up New WISEdata Users: How To Assign Access to WISEhome Applications
- Update Agency Contacts: for each WISE application
- WISEadmin Portal: Agency Contacts should be specific for each SCHOOL
- WISEdata Portal
- WISEid
- School Directory
- School Directory: complete the annual required School Directory updates.
- Choice schools do not report PK or K3, and do not report three-year-old students to WISEdata
- There are also special tasks to be completed for Choice and SNSP Schools.
- PI-1207 Report: submit all required PI-1207 information.
- Private School Choice Programs, Online Application System (OAS): submit all required OAS information.
- Student Information System (SIS) Software/Vendor Tool: select one to fit the needs of your school.
- Enable WISEdata Ed-Fi Credential API by making sure your URLs are current and your Key/Secret are correct
- WISEid upload, enter the following student information entered into your student information system (SIS). File layouts and templates are available.
- Student Name
- Middle name can be an initial
- Race/Ethnicity
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Parent/Guardian Name and relationship
- Student Name
- Opt-In or Opt-Out of the Private School - All Students Report Card Selection. Choice schools are required to select an option:
- Before August 1st, Choice schools must submit their Opt-In/Opt-Out selection and a variety of other forms to update school related information annually, indicating their selection either to receive or not receive the optional All Students Report Card.
- Opt-in to the All Students Report Card requires ALL students (Choice and non-Choice participants) to be submitted to WISEdata and reported on the School Report Card.
- Immunization Registry Integration (WIR) via WISEadmin Portal
- Opt-out from the All Students Report Card requires Choice participants only to be reported on the School Report Card.
- Opt-out of the All Students Report Card does not allow for the use of the Wisconsin Immunization Registry Integration (WIR) tool, while opting-in to the All Students Report Card allows schools to automatically pull down immunization data from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry if the SIS vendor participates. Schools should not pull student records using the WIR tool unless they have opted-in to the All-Student report card.
- Opt-in to the All Students Report Card requires ALL students (Choice and non-Choice participants) to be submitted to WISEdata and reported on the School Report Card.
- Before August 1st, Choice schools must submit their Opt-In/Opt-Out selection and a variety of other forms to update school related information annually, indicating their selection either to receive or not receive the optional All Students Report Card.
School Enrollment paperwork requires ALL of the following data elements:
ELP Code, required for Choice schools participating in Title III services
Migrant Status - not required, but highly recommended
- Parent/Guardian
- Parent/Guardian Name
- Primary Service Provider
- Race and Ethnicity Data
- Receiving Services on a Count Date
- Report Card Selection
- Student Name (Legal and Other Names)
- Term Completion Indicator
- WISEid
- WISEsecure Role
- December and May Snapshots
Please visit the following web pages for detailed information on snapshot data collection:
- WISEdata Annual Tasks Checklist
- Snapshot Preparation Guidance
- Snapshot Data Quality Auditing Information
- WISEdash Extracts for Choice Schools
- Log into WISEdata Portal via WISEhome. Under the Agency menu, click the Exports tab. Download the extract you want to see:
- Graduation & HS Completion Rate:
- To be viewed by schools with grade 12 enrollments.
- This report shows students included in the numerator and denominator of the Graduation Rate (Regular Diploma) and High School Completion Rate.
- Graduate Future Cohorts:
- To be viewed by all schools with grade levels 9-12. By verifying a student’s first enrollment in high school (typically grade 9), DPi understands the school year which DPI.
- This report shows the cohort for high school completion in which a student is placed based on grade level and school year of their first entry into high school.
- Dropout Rate:
- To be viewed by schools with grade 12 enrollments.
- This report shows students included in the numerator and denominator of the annual dropout rate.
- Absenteeism:
- To be viewed by all schools.
- This report shows students' status regarding the Wisconsin state definition of chronic absenteeism.
- Graduation & HS Completion Rate:
- WISEdash Extracts are intended to help Choice schools access graduation and dropout rate information made available only in WISEdash for Districts. WISEdash Extracts work similarly to normal WISEdata Portal exports, allowing Choice schools to download reports they can use to track graduation cohorts and calculate graduation, high school completion, and dropout rates.
- Log into WISEdata Portal via WISEhome. Under the Agency menu, click the Exports tab. Download the extract you want to see:
- End of the Year Checklist
Review WISEdata Portal Data Quality Alerts and Data Quality Indicators
Vendor Resources
WISEdata Portal Resources Tab
Vendor Resources
Data Element ‘Close Out’ Tasks:
Credential Type: High school graduates require the credential type of Regular Diploma entered into the SIS.
Exit Dates: This should reflect the last day of receiving educational services unless your school has a specific policy regarding exit date.
Exit Types: Decision Guide for Determining Exit Types for Choice Schools.
Start Preparing Enrollment Documents for New School Year.
Title Services Consultation: The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires each state to identify an Ombudsman to work with private schools and public school districts to ensure equitable services are appropriately provided. DPI has contracted with the Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (WCRIS) to be Wisconsin’s Ombudsman. All equitable service inquiries should be directed to
If receiving Title I services, consult with your LEA to determine what economic data is available and should be reported.
If receiving Title III services, work with LEA to have students assessed with ACCESS to report ELP (English Language Proficiency).
For additional information, visit the Title I and School Support page or contact the Title I and School Support Team at (608) 267-3721 or
Other DPI Resources for Private Schools
Alternate Household Income form
Customer Services Team for WISEdata Reporting
English Learner Policy Handbook
WISEhome and WISEsecure Information page
- WISEhome login link (in left-side WISE menu, nested under WISEhome and WISEsecure Info page)