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Enrollment Type

Enrollment Type: School Finance, WISEdata

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Enrollment Type describes how a student is enrolled at a school, whether as a primary or non-primary enrollment. Students receiving services at a school are either receiving primary educational services, are parent-placed private students, are enrolled in coursework at a non-primary school, or are receiving services under a program gathered by WISEdata.

An LEA should only submit one enrollment type for each student.

For more information about Enrollment Types within the Wisconsin School Finance Portal (WiSFiP) - Pilot Project for 2024-25 SY, please visit the Pupil Count Pilot Program data element page.




(C) Coursework

Non-primary enrollment for students taking courses at a school that is not their primary school. This enrollment type should only be used by public schools. 

(M) Membership:

For 22-23/23-24 SY

Only for use by LEAs participating in the Pupil Count pilot program

Primary enrollment submitted for students whose age is outside expected range that must be met for grade levels.

This enrollment type is used to count pupils for membership reporting purposes only. 

This enrollment type should only be used by public schools.

This enrollment type should only be used alongside an outside age residency status, either R-OUTSIDEAGE or NR-OUTSIDEAGE.

(P) Primary

Primary enrollment at the school that most directly supervises the PK-12 educational services.

NOTE: This is the only enrollment type expected from a Choice school.

(PPP) Parentally Placed Private

Non-primary enrollment in a public school providing special education services. If the private school providing primary education services is a Choice school, that school submits the student's enrollment as Primary.

This enrollment type should only be used by public schools.

These students are not included in the WiSFiP Pupil Count for Membership pilot program.

USES: This data element is required for Choice and public schools. Enrollment type will be used for multiple data collection, reporting, and accountability purposes including logic checks, routing of email requests and notifications, student counts on count dates, duration of enrollment at a school, calculation of certain fields/codes and more.

Click the links below to navigate to different sections of this page:

WiSFiP Primary (P) Type  Membership Use Cases

  • Resident District
  • Non-Resident District

WiSFiP Coursework (C) Type Membership Use Cases

  • Resident District
  • Non-Resident District

WiSFiP Membership (M) Type Membership Use Cases

  • Resident District
  • Non-Resident District


PI-1563 FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

Enrollment Type Scenarios

The table below shows some possible enrollment type scenarios where it might be unclear what to submit for a student.


What to Submit

Public district providing only special education services to a private, non-Choice student

The public district submits a non-primary Parent Placed Private (PPP) enrollment and all Special Education Program data. This enrollment record must not be identified as both non-primary PPP and non-primary Coursework. No roster data should be submitted by the public district.

The private school does not submit student information to WISEid or WISEdata.

This scenario applies to students with primary enrollment in a private, non-Choice school and students not participating in the Choice program who are enrolled in a Choice school which has not opted into the All Student report card.

Public district providing only special education services to a home-based private education (homeschooled) student.

School districts are not required to provide special education and related services to children with disabilities enrolled in home-based private educational programs.

However, since neither federal nor state law prohibits districts from providing special education services to homeschooled children, school districts may provide any special education and related services to these children that they deem appropriate.

If a public school district chooses to provide these services, these services will not be reported in WISEdata as the costs are not aided by DPI under federal or state categorical aids

Choice school student receiving only special education services from a public district

The Choice school submits primary enrollment and associated student data.

The public district submits a non-primary Parent Placed Private (PPP) enrollment with only Special Education Program data. This enrollment record must not be identified as both non-primary PPP and non-primary Coursework. No roster data should be submitted by the public district.

This scenario applies to students with primary enrollment in a Choice school and students not participating in the Choice program who are enrolled in a Choice school which has opted into the All Student report card.

Student attending a non-resident district under Open Enrollment which provides primary educational and special education services

The district of Open Enrollment (the district the student is attending) submits a primary enrollment, Special Education Program data, and associated student data.

The resident district does not submit student information to WISEid or WISEdata.

Student attending a non-resident district under Open Enrollment which provides primary educational services

Resident district provides special education services

The district of Open Enrollment (the district the student is attending) submits a primary enrollment, Special Education Program data, and associated student data.

The resident district does not submit student information to WISEid or WISEdata.

Student receives only special education services from a non-resident district in accordance with an active IEP

Resident district provides primary educational services

The resident district submits a primary enrollment, Special Education Program data, and associated student data. The district submitted as FAPE responsible is determined by the IEP.

The district providing special education services does not submit student information to WISEid or WISEdata.

Student takes one or two courses from a non-resident district

Resident district provides primary educational services

The resident district submits a primary enrollment, associated student data, and coursework taken from or under the direction of the resident district.

The non-resident district submits a non-primary Coursework enrollment and coursework only for the one or two courses taken from the non-resident district.

Choice school student takes one or two courses from a public district


Choice school provides primary educational services

The Choice school submits a primary enrollment and associated student data.

The district providing one or two courses does not submit student information to WISEid or WISEdata.

Choice schools do not participate in the Roster collection.

Public district provides one or two courses for a home-schooled or private, non-Choice student

Report a (C) Coursework enrollment for membership purposes (either through PI-1563 or WiSFiP).

Do not submit Roster records or enrollment records for WISEdata. 

Charter school student takes coursework in a charter school and a separate non-charter school within the same district

The charter school is considered the primary enrollment regardless of which school provides more courses.

The charter school submits primary enrollment, associated student data, and coursework taken from the charter school.

The non-charter school submits a non-primary Coursework enrollment and coursework taken from the non-charter school.

Student is enrolled in a residential program at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf (WSD) or Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (WCBVI)

WSD or WCBVI submit a primary enrollment and Special Education Program data identifying the student's resident district as FAPE responsible, and associated student data. WSD and WCBVI submit roster data.

The resident district does not submit student information to WISEid or WISEdata.

Student takes one or two courses from WSD or WCBVI

Resident district provides primary educational services

The resident district submits a primary enrollment, Special Education program data, associated student data, and coursework taken from or under the direction of the resident district.

WSD or WCBVI submits a non-primary Coursework enrollment and coursework taken from WSD or WCBVI.

Student is enrolled in a school within the Department of Corrections, the Department of Health Services, or a CCDEB school These organizations are not required to submit non-primary Coursework enrollments. We do not expect a student to take one or two classes from schools of this type.

English Learner (EL) students in non-profit private schools (non-public schools), including private schools participating in one of the state’s Parental Choice Programs, may be eligible to access Title III programs, services, and products through the Local Education Agency (LEA) where the non-public school is located.

Choice schools do not report language instruction but do, however, report English Language Proficiency (ELP) codes of students who have been assessed and given an ACCESS score.

Choice schools that do not administer the ACCESS for ELLs may track the ELP code to best understand the needs of the student.

If a Choice school receives WISEdata Portal error 6777, they must make the decision whether to correct the ELP Code or set it to blank. If the Choice school decides to leave the ELP code blank, they may acknowledge warning 7108.

Refer to the English Learners in Private Schools document for more information.

Public schools servicing EL students in non-profit private schools (non-public schools), including private schools participating in one of the state’s Parental Choice Programs, receiving language instruction services through the Local Education Agency (LEA) where the non-public school is located.

Private and Choice students should be reported as a primary enrollment of the private school if the student is only receiving language instruction services through the public school. For more information, refer to the Students Taking Up to Two Classes page.

Refer to the English Learners in Private Schools document for more information.

Pilot Program Use Cases

Use Cases for Membership Type (P) Primary

Resident Students Attending Resident District: (P) Primary

Resident District Submits Enrollment for:

1. Students receiving primary educational services

2. Students enrolled in a Section 118.15 contract

3. Students enrolled in an Early College Credit Program (ECCP)

4. Students enrolled in a school operated Head Start program: ONLY WHEN:

  • Students have an IEP AND
  • Receive special education services

{Report in Preschool Special Ed category, not Head Start}

5. Students enrolled in a Youth Apprentice Program

6. For MPS ONLY - Students attending a Partnership School

Uncommon Use Cases for Membership Type (P) Primary

Resident District Submits Enrollment for:

1. Student with a disability (SwD) placed in a residential care center (RCC) for preschool special education when student is 5-years-old or younger, AND either in PK or Head Start

2. Student with a disability (SwD) whose IEP placed them in an out of state residential care center (RCC) for preschool special education when student is 5-years-old or younger, AND either in PK or Head Start

3. Student whose family exits the student from the resident school/district special education program - who is now without a disability (SwoD), who does not have an IEP - who is grade level K4, K, or 1-12, to place them in a residential care center (RCC) for preschool special education (when student is 5-years-old or younger AND either in PK or Head Start). NOTE: This student also gets exited from WISEdata.

4. Student without a disability (SwoD), who is grade level K4, K, or 1-12, in a residential facility as drug or alcohol rehabilitation for a short-term stay

5. Student without a disability (SwoD) placed in a day treatment center by the resident district

6. Student without a disability (SwoD) who is in a children’s hospital located in the student’s resident district

7. Student who is in a juvenile facility or county jail within the resident district

Student participating in the Challenge Academy. Refer to the Program Types data element page for more details about the Challenge Academy.

Resident Students Attending Nonresident District: (P) Primary

Nonresident District Submits Enrollment for:

1. Students jointly enrolled in resident district and nonresident CCDEB program

2. Students attending CESA programs

3. Students attending nonresident district under Chapter 220

4. Students attending Cooperative 66.0301 program

5. Students attending another school via Open Enrollment

6. Students attending a nonresident district as part of a 9-18 weeks special tuition program

7. Students in a nonresident district with tuition paid by nonresident district

8. Students in a nonresident district with tuition paid by parents

9. Students in a nonresident district AND resident district pays tuition under Wis. Stat. §121.78

10. Students attending an alternative program in a nonresident district under Wis. Stat. §118.153 for which the resident district has purchased seats and is responsible for tuition

11. Students attending a nonresident district through a Tuition Waiver under Wis. Stat. §121.84 (4)(a)

Uncommon Use Cases for Membership Type (P) Primary

Nonresident District Submits Enrollment for:

1. Student without a disability (SwoD) who is in a children’s hospital not located in the student’s resident district (hospital is located outside of resident district)

2. Student who is in a juvenile facility or county jail located outside of the student’s resident district (juvenile facility or jail is located outside of resident district)

For more details about these scenarios, refer to the Uncommon WISEdata Situations page.


Use Cases for Membership Type (C) Coursework

Resident Students Attending Resident District: (C) Coursework

Resident District Submits Enrollment for:

1. Students who are primarily receiving home-based private education (homeschool), but taking courses in resident public school (available for students in grades K-12)

2. Students who are enrolled in a private school and taking courses in a resident public school (only available for students in grades 9-12)

Resident Students Attending Nonresident District: (C) Coursework

Nonresident District Submits Enrollment for:

1. Students who are primarily receiving home-based private education (homeschool), but taking courses in a nonresident public school (available for students in grades K-12)


Use Cases for Membership Type (M) Membership

Resident Students Attending Resident District: (M) Membership

Membership enrollment type is used very rarely. Membership is only used to refer to a primary enrollment submitted for students whose age is outside the expected range that must be met for grade levels.

Only use the Membership (M) enrollment type with the Residency status of (R-OUTSIDEAGE) or (NR-OUTSIDEAGE).

NOTE: Students who are outside the expected age range for a grade are not counted for membership, as in membership for state aid. These students could be a resident of your district and attending, or, not a resident but attending your district. In either case, due to their age, they are not counted for monetary membership. In the new WiSFiP membership application, however, they may qualify for the Membership enrollment type, under the uniquely described scenarios below:

Resident District Submits Enrollment for: 

1. Students who are outside the age requirement for a particular grade level are not submitted to DPI for accountability purposes, but are required for Membership as an enrollment type in the following scenarios:

  • Students who are counted in a preschool program, but who are under three years of age as of the count date, AND who do not have an IEP.
  • Students who are counted in a 4K program, but who are under four years of age as of September 1 of the current school year, AND who do not meet early entrance guidelines under Wis. Stat. §120.12(25).
  • Students who are counted in the 5K program, but who are under five years of age as of September 1 of the current school year, AND who do not meet early entrance guidelines under Wis. Stat. §120.12(25).
  • Students who are counted in the 1-12 program, but who are under six years of age as of September 1 of the current school year, AND do not meet early entrance guidelines under Wis. Stat. §120.12(25).
  • Students who are counted in the 1-12 program, but who are special education, AND turned 21 years of age or older as of the first day of the current school term.
  • Students who are counted in the 1-12 program, but who are regular education, AND turned 21 years of age as of the first day he/she receives instruction.

Nonresident Students Attending Resident District: (M) Membership

Nonresident District Submits Enrollment for:

1. Students who are outside the age requirement for a particular grade level are not submitted to DPI for accountability purposes, but are required for Membership in the following scenarios:

  • Students who are counted in a preschool program, but who are under three years of age as of the count date, AND who do not have an IEP.
  • Students who are counted in a K4 program, but who are under four years of age as of September 1 of the current school year, AND who do not meet early entrance guidelines under Wis. Stat. §120.12(25).
  • Students who are counted in the K5 program, but who are under five years of age as of September 1 of the current school year, AND who do not meet early entrance guidelines under Wis. Stat. §120.12(25).
  • Students who are counted in the 1-12 program, but who are under six years of age as of September 1 of the current school year, AND do not meet early entrance guidelines under Wis. Stat. §120.12(25).
  • Students who are counted in the 1-12 program, but who are special education, AND turned 21 years of age or older as of the first day of the current school term.
  • Students who are counted in the 1-12 program, but who are regular education, AND turned 21 years of age as of the first day he/she receives instruction.


PUPIL COUNT PILOT - FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

1. When does enrollment get reported? Each enrolled student receiving services gets reported on specific count dates, namely the Third Friday of September and the Second Friday of January. Milwaukee schools additionally send enrollment data on the First Friday of May. Visit the count dates data element page for more details on count dates.

2. What do I do about an enrollment record for a student whose status of receiving services is unknown? If a student has stopped attending the school or their receiving services status is unknown, then receiving services for the student is (N) or left blank.

See also:

District (AKA Submitting District)
Primary Service Provider


If you have WiSFiP Pupil Count questions, contact the DPI School Finance Services (SFS) Team
by email ( or by phone (608) 267-9114.

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