Many Ways to Stay Safe
This page will describe three methods of data-safeguarding:
- Data Redaction
- Multi-Tiered Data Request Process with Data Destruction Protocol
- Locally Managed Security Protocols
Method 1: Data Redaction
Data Redaction is the process of masking the data displayed (putting an asterisk * in place of the actual number) to protect student privacy. Different applications may utilize different redaction techniques depending on the tool used, data displayed, and the way the data is combined for display. Each redaction technique has been vetted within the agency and through other groups like PTAC to ensure each application meets the applicable privacy laws and to ensure that student privacy is protected. Two specific examples that handle redaction differently include the Report Cards and the WISEdash Public Portal.
- Report Cards: To protect student privacy, data for groups of fewer than 20 students are replaced by asterisks on the public report cards.
- WISEdash Public Portal: If certain student data groups are too small based on the reporting criteria, they are not reported on WISEdash public portal. This helps protect the privacy of the students within the small population.
Method 2: Multi-Tiered Data Request Process with a Data Destruction Protocol
DPI ensures compliance with all FERPA and Wisconsin legislative guidelines through our formal Public/Confidential Data Request Process.
For specific data requests, DPI requires notification of specific data destruction, method of destruction and other necessary details.
For more information regarding proper data destruction procedures, check out the PTAC Data Destruction Best Practices Guide.
Method 3: Security is Managed Locally in a District for DPI Secured Applications
For more security information, view the WISEhome information page.
To contact the District Administrator in any school/district, look up the school/district on School Directory Public Portal. District Administrators are almost always the District Security Administrators (DSA). School Directory features the name and contact information of Districts Administrators.
Additional Information
Organizations for Student Data Privacy and Security:
Two More Stops in Our Series on Student Data Privacy

The Student Data Privacy Resources page, and the Secure Home Agreement.
You can also return to the Student Data Privacy Main Menu page.