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Choice School Program Participant

Choice School Program Participant: WISEdata

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This data element indicates that a student attends a private school participating in the Milwaukee, Racine, or Wisconsin Parental Choice Program and if the student has met the qualifications for MPCP, RPCP, or WPCP. If a school chooses to report all students, then the non-voucher students should be reported as No. 

Code Description/Comments
Yes/True (Y) Student meets Choice school requirements and should be reported.
No (N)/False Student does not meet Choice school requirements and should not be reported.


USES: This data element is required for Choice and public schools. This element is used to determine which students are Choice students and, therefore, what data needs to be submitted versus what is submitted for a public school student.


FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

  1. IDEA Eligibility for Choice Students: Students must have been IDEA eligible prior to attending a choice school to be reported by choice schools. Even if the students have a 504, if they have never had IDEA eligibility, they cannot be reported. If the student was covered, enter the appropriate information regarding the disability. If the student was not, remove the disability submission. No choice school students are IDEA eligible unless previously considered so in a public school, so choice schools cannot take accountability for Oct. 1 counts. If PPP choice students receive special education services in a public school, then the public school claims them for Oct. 1 and receives credit for that child count. If the student is not actively receiving services from a public school in the current year and no evidence has been submitted in prior years of having been IDEA eligible, these students cannot be reported as having a disability at the Choice school.
  2. 504 Students: Students must have been IDEA eligible prior to attending a Choice school to be reported by Choice schools. If the students with a 504 have never had IDEA eligibility, they cannot be reported.
  3. No All Students Report Card: If Choice students are showing an invalid record error, WISEdata is missing the Choice Student Indicator. (This data element needs to be set = yes/true.)
    If these are non-Choice students with invalid records, because your school has opted out of the Private School – All Students Report Card, these student enrollments should not be sent to WISEdata. You will need to remove them from WISEdata. 
  4. PPP Students: Both the public district and the Choice school will report Choice participants who are parentally-placed private special education students. The Choice School is responsible for getting the WISEid and reporting student data to WISEdata for all Choice participants. Some Choice schools choose to also report their non-Choice participants. Take care that the public district identifies a value of True/Yes for the Parent Placed Private field in the special education record. Note that if a student moves into or out of PPP status, WISEdata expects a new enrollment record (sSA) and a new special education record (sSEPA).

  5. Completed School Term: For parentally-placed private (PPP) students, both the public school and the Choice school should report that the student completed the school term. You may still receive a warning, such as 6567 - Completed School Term is 'Yes', in multiple enrollment records for multiple districts or agencies. The warning displays because the information may or may not be correct but requires review to decide. If the data is correct, as in both schools reporting the PPP student as completing the school term, the warning can be acknowledged and will require no further action.

  6. Designating Choice Students: You can review our KBA document on Designating Choice Students

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