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Annual Data Collections: Tasks and Checklist

Annual Data Collections: Tasks and Checklist

WISEdata Annual Checklist

DPI has an annual cycle of data collections for each school year.

July 1 is the start date for each school year.
March is when the WISEdata Conference takes place.
December and May are typical months for snapshots.
June 30 is the end date for each school year.

This page provides a chronological checklist for the multiple annual data collections supported by the Customer Services Team.

The goal of this page is to make you aware of and help you prepare for these annual data collections by informing you of.

  • Who (which schools, public or private) participates in a collection,
  • What data elements are a part of a collection,
  • When the data collection occurs and when the data will be used,
  • Which WISE application is used, and
  • How to complete required tasks.

The "why" for the data collections is the same, by and large: to satisfy state and federal school data reporting requirements. 

Click the links below to navigate to different sections of this page:

Training Opportunities


We have a number of different ways by which you can receive training: self-paced, in-person, and virtually through webinars. The best web resources for training information are linked below:

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Note for Private Choice Schools

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Back to School Season Tasks

icon displaying the months of July, August and September

To start off each school year, you'll need to complete important tasks to prepare for the year's collections. The tasks are listed alphabetically because they cover a variety of LEA roles.

Some tasks have prerequisite tasks that are annotated within each section (e.g., you need a WAMS ID before you can access a WISEsecure application).

Printable Companion Checklists

We are pleased to present you with both a public school and Choice school version of the printable task checklist to help make sure you accomplish your data tasks for the beginning of a new school year. Please use it as a companion document along along with this webpage. The checklist does not provide tutorial details, but does contain hyperlinks to other DPI resource webpages. Download to use digitally, or print it off if you prefer!

Adding or Changing a SIS Vendor

Thinking of changing or adding a SIS vendor? Please submit a Help Ticket before you start. A Customer Services Team member will work with you to ensure a smooth transition and safeguard access to your data. July and August are the best months to do this task!

Alternative Household Income Form

Alternate Household Income form should be included in 'back to school' enrollment papers for Economically Disadvantaged Status and Food Service Eligibility Status.

'Back to School' Review for New/All Staff Involved with WISE Reporting*

'Back to School' Review for New/All Staff Involved with WISE Reporting *does not apply to Choice schools

Civil Rights Data Collection

Summer/Fall of 2024 Pre-Collection Tools:

Use the tools to review list of data elements and prepare for the collection, located in the Resource Links section of the Civil Rights Data Collection webpage. This includes:

  • the school/LEA forms,
  • the flat file submission spreadsheet,
  • the survey tool guides,
  • the Excel templates and
  • the data elements.
Choice Schools: Opt In or Opt Out

Choice school participation to either opt in or opt out of the All Students Report Card is due on the first weekday in August. Visit the Report Card Selection data element page for more information. 

This is a required item specific to Choice schools the is included in student demographic data. 

Collect Student Demographic Information

Note: Data elements marked with an asterisk (*) symbol do not apply to private Choice schools.

During your registration process, collect the basic student demographic information that is needed for WISEdata at the beginning of the year:


Complete School Year Close Out Tasks from Previous School Year

Just because it’s the start of another school year, remember to complete your school year close out tasks. Many LEAs accomplish these tasks in July and August. They are vital data pieces for the December student data snapshot, so don’t let them go unfinished! The Customer Services team will remind you by providing Data Quality Outreach calls throughout August, September, October, and November.

Consider Assembling a Data Team

WISExplore provides processes and resources supporting data-informed, decision-making for school and district leaders. The WISExplore data inquiry process is central to this work. Professional learning resources are provided to support data leadership, data literacy, and the inquiry process for educators statewide.

  • Log on to WISEdash for Districts to find dashboard information about:
    • Improvement Planning (all dashboards)
    • Early Warning (Absenteeism)
    • FAFSA
    • Snapshot Dashboard Data Quality Reviews
      • Pay special attention to Graduation Rate, Dropouts, Absenteeism, and Cohorts.
Customer Services Team Begins Data Quality Outreach

The DPI Customer Services team makes outreach calls to LEAs across the state, Choice and public, to touch base on data ‘trouble-spots’ to help LEAs get started on data repair and preparation for the December student data snapshot. These August calls focus on helping LEAs complete accurate school year close out tasks.

District Security Administrators

Visit the WISEsecure Tasks for DSAs webpage for a complete list of tasks.

Two main tasks are to complete the DSA Form and to assign WISEsecure Roles to staff.

However, you will need a WAMS ID before you can complete either of these tasks. Visit the “Get a WAMS ID” section for further details.

DSAs: Complete the DSA Form

The district administrator is required to submit the District Security Administrator form to gain access to secure reporting applications. Please complete this as soon as possible. Access will be granted over the summer when the new school year rolls over for the WISE reporting applications.

Assign User Roles

The district administrator/DSA need to set up and assign user roles and/or application administrators who will assign user roles.

Ed-Fi Credential

Enable WISEdata Ed-Fi Credential API by making sure your URLs are current and your Key/Secret are correct.

  • Please visit the Ed-Fi User Guide for details on how to locate and use your key/secret.
ELO Look Up Page

The ELO Look Up webpage allows you to look up staff and see if they have an Entity ID (called a File Number on the ELO results). Missing Entity IDs for staff means that this staff member has not yet initiated the license application process. As soon as someone applies for their license in the ELO system, an Entity ID is created, whether the license has been awarded or not.


Start by obtaining a WAMS ID. This username and password will allow you to access all of the DPI’s secure applications, such as WISEdata, WISEid, and the School Directory Management Portal.

PI-1207 Form for Private Schools Opens in September

Private Schools must complete the PI-1207 Private School Report by October 15 of each school year.

School Directory Annual Updates

Complete the annual required School Directory Management Portal updates.

  • School Directory User Guides are available to help you make updates.
  • Input and verify:
    • Agency-level mandatory required contacts
    • Educational service (PK)
    • School-level mandatory required contacts
    • High grade/Low grade for each school are listed
    • Kindergarten schedules/locations
  • The start and end dates are collected via WISEdata Portal and pushed into School Directory. View the First Day of School/Last Day of School data element page for greater detail.
Student Information System (SIS) Maintenance

Select a Student Information System (SIS) Software/Vendor Tool: Check your SIS software versions and update for the latest release.

Third Friday of September Count Date (for Enrollment)

The Third Friday of September enrollment count date is for Choice, independent charter schools, and public schools.

Update Agency Contacts in WISE Applications

Update Agency Contacts for each WISEsecure  application. You will be prompted to do this upon your first login for the new school year (i.e., July 1 or after).

  • NOTE: The DSA need not be the primary contact for each application. In fact, the primary contact for each application should be the staff member who accesses that application the most on a daily/weekly basis. This might be the DSA, but it might be someone else as well.
  • WISEadmin Portal: Agency Contacts should be specific for each SCHOOL.
  • WISEdata Portal
  • WISEid
  • WISEstaff
  • School Directory
Upload WISEids for Students

DPI recommends you upload a full Active Student WISEid file to the WISEid application at the start of each new school year and once a week until you set up your 'SIS-to-WISEdata' transfers (assuming that you are using a SIS with the Student Identity Integration API to create new WISEids).

WISEids are a prerequisite for WISEdata records. You cannot submit data to WISEdata Portal for a student who does not have a WISEid.

Beginning of the School Year:

Your school will need to obtain WISEids for the students who are reported to WISEdata.

Include the following information:

  • Student/Staff Name (Legal and Other Names): Use the name to identify the person. This is often the person’s legal name, which is often the name that appears on a birth certificate or a national legal identification document.
    • If the person is or was commonly known by another name, include that name in the Other Name field. This is especially important if the person is coming from a school district or other Choice school because both legal and Other Names are used in the matching process. Use of both increases the chances of finding matches or near matches.
    • Middle name can be an initial.
  • Birth Date
  • Gender
  • Parent/Guardian Name
  • Parent/Guardian Relationship
  • Race/Ethnicity: A two-part question is used to determine the race/ethnicity category to which the student belongs or with which race/ethnicity they most identify. It is required to answer both parts of the question. Both responses to the two-part question are submitted to WISEid and WISEdata. Please consider working with your SIS vendor to collect Ancestry/Ethnic Origins and Tribal Affiliation data elements.

Once a Week for the First Two Months and Before All Count Dates:

  • Once your agency can confirm the nightly occurrence of WISEid to WISEdata uploads, manual uploads of Active Student WISEid files are not required.
  • We recommend doing a manual upload of Active Student WISEid files before each count date (TFS data element page, Oct 1 Child Count data element page) to catch any missed changes.
  • Uploading a full Active Student WISEid file accomplishes the following:
    • Obtains WISEids for new students
    • Updates existing students’ WISEid records with corrections made in your SIS
    • Updates your SIS with corrected WISEid numbers when DPI finds and corrects duplicate ID numbers
    • Eliminates WISEdata Portal validation messages about differences in the data between WISEdata and WISEid
WISE Events Calendar

Check out the WISE Events Calendar to see when the Customer Services Team will offer Back to School Kickoff training, New User Training and other opportunities.

WISEstaff Data Collection*

The WISEstaff Data Collection opens, usually in late September or early October.

*does not apply to Choice schools

Visit Back to School Training on Slides and Videos webpage

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December Student Data Snapshot Season

icon displaying the months of October, November and December

Mostly due to the December student data snapshot, and for a variety of other collections, this is a very busy time of the school year for data collection and data quality!

Civil Rights Data Collection

December 09, 2024

CRDC system opens for SEA Starter File data load. Districts that opted into using the DPI Starter File should delay entering and modifying data in the CRDC submission system until Monday, 12/16/24.

December 16, 2024

Review and Submit Data: Collection open to submit the data via the file upload process or manual data entry.

Customer Services Team Conducts Round 2 of Data Quality Outreach

The DPI Customer Services team makes outreach calls to LEAs across the state, Choice and public, to touch base on data ‘trouble-spots’ to help LEAs get started on data repair and preparation for the December student data snapshot.

This round focuses on communicating to LEAs that we will be starting snapshot DQ reviews, including information about the alert feature again. CST also sends communications to District and Choice Admins about the snapshot.

December Student Data Snapshot

The December Student Data Snapshot occurs annually in December. LEAs should spend these “snapshot season” months preparing data for the December student data snapshot. Check the WISE Events Calendar for snapshot training opportunities, such as the regional snapshot workshops. The Customer Services Team is busy conducting data quality outreach.

October 1 Child Count

The October 1 Child Count is only for public LEAs. This collection includes data from student enrollment records from any students receiving special education services on this day. sSEPA record data and other special education data is also required.

PI-1207 Form for Private Schools Closes in October

Private Schools, time is almost up! The PI-1207 Private School Report closes on October 15! PI-1207 audit results conclude December 15.

School Directory Closes in December

School Directory User Guides will help you make all required annual updates to the School Directory Management Portal. You can continue to make updates to School Directory until the application closes in December or January each year for annual maintenance.

When School Directory closes, no more changes can be made to data for the current school year, so please make all required annual updates by the close date. Visit the School Directory Management Portal: Annual Updates webpage for more information. 

Preliminary WISEstaff Certification Opens*

The Preliminary Certification section of the WISEstaff User Guide should be heavily referenced at this time of year to assist LEAs with meeting the Preliminary Reporting deadline, which usually falls during early – mid-November.

Preliminary Audit results are typically ready between December and January. Once they are available, preliminary staff audit results should be reviewed, and LEAs should begin making corrections for the final certification in March. 

*WISEstaff reporting does not apply to Choice schools. 

OEA Inquiry Process for Accountability Report cards SAFE Release

The preliminary secure release of the school and district report cards opens the inquiry period, a window of time in which schools and districts can notify OEA of suspected data submission errors. 

Visit the Office of Educational Accountability (OEA) Inquiry Process webpage for more details. 

WISEstaff User Group Calls Begin in October*

The WISEstaff data collection opens. This also indicates the return of the weekly WISEstaff User Group call.

*WISEstaff reporting does not apply to Choice schools.

Visit December Snapshot Training on Slides and Videos webpage

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Mid-Winter Season

icon displaying the months of January, February and March

Data collection is slowest during these three months of the school year. DPI is busy processing the December snapshot data and preparing for accountability school report cards.

Civil Rights Data Collection

March 07, 2025: Close Date

Finalize and Certify Data: Review the submitted data, resolve errors and warnings and certify. Document an action plan(s) as needed and continue reviewing the data.

Spring / Summer of 2025 Data Quality Post Collection:

Review the data for quality, using the data quality manuals.

Continue Reviewing WISEstaff Preliminary Data*

Continue reviewing WISEstaff preliminary audit results and apply corrections for the final certification in March.  Final reporting deadline for WISEstaff is March 18, 2025.

*WISEstaff reporting does not apply to Choice schools.

Data Errata for Student Data December Snapshot

Once the December student data snapshot occurs, data are considered certified and final. If you notice an error in your snapshot data, you can submit a Data Errata letter to acknowledge what was wrong in your snapshot data.

Parental Choice Applications Open

The Parental Choice applications opens at different times, depending on the Choice program, but this typically occurs sometime in January.

Public School Open Enrollment

Public School Open Enrollment usually opens up in February.

Prepare Data for the Student Demographic Snapshot

The spring Student Demographics snapshot is in May. Review the Snapshot Preparation Guidance webpage to get ready for that snapshot.

Preliminary WISEstaff Certification Opens*

The Preliminary Certification section of the WISEstaff User Guide should be heavily referenced at this time of year to assist LEAs with meeting the Preliminary Reporting deadline, which usually falls during early – mid-November.

Preliminary Audit results are typically ready between December and January. Once they are available, preliminary staff audit results should be reviewed, and LEAs should begin making corrections for the final certification in March. 

*WISEstaff reporting does not apply to Choice schools. 

School Directory Re-Opens in January: Update Info for Next School Year

When School Directory closed in December, so did updates for the current school year.

With the re-opening of the School Directory Management Portal in January for updates, schools are still in the middle of the ‘current’ school year, but can begin to make updates for the next school year.

School Directory User Guides are available to help you make updates.

Input and verify:

  • Agency-level mandatory required contacts
  • Educational service (PK)
  • School-level mandatory required contacts
  • High grade/Low grade for each school are listed
  • Kindergarten schedules/locations
The start and end dates are collected via WISEdata Portal and pushed into School Directory. View the First Day of School/Last Day of School data element page for greater detail.
WISEdata Conference

The WISEdata Conference webpage usually starts filling up in January with agendas, the registration link, and slide decks. The WISEdata Conference takes place in March. Hope to see you there! 

Visit Mid-Winter Season Training on Slides and Videos webpage

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Spring Snapshot and School Year Close Out Season

icon displaying the months of April, May, and June

These final months get busy again for data.

The spring Student Demographics snapshot is in May. To prepare, the Customer Services Team will conduct minimal data quality outreach while LEAs review the Snapshot Preparation Guidance webpage. Check with your local CESA for additional training possibilities.

Once the May snapshot occurs, data are considered certified and final. If you notice an error in your snapshot data, you can submit a Data Errata letter to acknowledge what was wrong in your snapshot data.

School year close out tasks for WISEdata are detailed below. The DPI school year ends on June 30 each year.

Be Sure to “Close Out” Each School Year in your SIS

At the end of each school year, you will need to complete several important tasks to prepare for the Year End WISEdata collection. These tasks include general “closing out” tasks and ensuring year end data collections are flowing and being reviewed for the next Snapshot.

Please consult your school’s SIS vendor for more specific instructions on how to accomplish these tasks.

Civil Rights Data Collection

Spring / Summer of 2025 Data Quality Post Collection:

Review the data for quality, using the data quality manuals.

DPI Begins Review and Outreach of Year-End Data Each Fall

When the Customer Services team begins their fall Data Quality Outreach, it is coordinated with WISEdata Portal 'opening' data from two-years prior.

For example, in the Fall of 2024 (with the beginning of the 2024-25 school year), WISEdata Portal will present validation messages from:

  • the 2023-24 school year AND
  • from the 2022-23 school year.

With the opening of these 'older' school years' data, schools may see unresolved errors and warnings. While this may be confusing, we have guidance on what to focus on and what is safe to ignore:

Data to Focus on Each Year
School Year Data/Record Data/Record Data/Record Data/Record Data/Record
Current Year (e.g. 2024-25) Oct 1 Counts Special Education records Student Demographics Student Enrollments TFS Counts

Prior Year (Last Year)

(e.g., 2023-24)

Attendance Discipline Diploma Information Exit Dates Exit Types
Program Data Roster Data Special Education Records Student Enrollment Records  

2nd Prior Year (2 Years Ago)

(e.g., 2022-23)

Only Resolve Data Issues (i.e., errors and warnings) with any outstanding full term dropouts from two-years-prior school year Ignore Data Issues Ii.e., errors and warnings) with dropout data.
Data Element 'Close Out' Tasks:
  • End Dates
    • Exit Date is the last day a student receives services in your district. At the end of the year, this will be the last day of school. Make sure to enter your students Exit Dates in your student information system (SIS). 
  • Exit Types
    • Enter an Exit Type for all of your students into your SIS.
      • TC is the DPI-recommended default exit type code for batch jobs to exit students who are expected to continue schooling next year.
      • If your school holds eighth-grade graduation ceremonies, do NOT enter credential values, as the student has not received an official credential.
      • If you need help determining the appropriate exit type, refer to the Exit Type Decision Guides on the Exit Type data elements page, located below the table.
  • Term Completion Indicator
    • This is required in WISEdata, and in most cases will be set to ‘Yes’ so long as the student completes all the required courses and school requirements.
      *Even if a student leaves for a summer trip or graduates early (if the student has met all the requirements), mark that the student completed the school term.
      *If a 12th-grade student transfers to another school mid-year, at a point where he or she is expected to continue classroom work to finish course credits in the new school, the completed term should be set to ‘No’.
  • Credential Type (Diploma Type)
    • If your school has 12th graders graduating, exit the students using the High School Completion (HSC) exit type and send the appropriate credential type (diploma type).
  • Food Service Program Exit Date
    • The Student School Food Service Program Association End Date refers to the month, day, and year on which the student exited the food service program or stopped receiving services for the school year being reported.

    • Submit the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

  • ELP (English Language Proficiency) scores*
    • English language proficiency classifications are defined in PI 13.08 Wis. Admin Code. Students with English language proficiency classifications of 1-5 are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP). For students in grade levels KG to 12, the value reported is expected to correspond to the results from the most recent administration of the ACCESS for ELLs exam. This data element is optional for Choice schools not receiving Title III funding; Choice schools receiving Title III funding are required to report ELP.
  • sSEPA Record End Date
    • Make certain to end each Student Special Education Program Association (sSEPA) record in your special education system.
    • While IEP (Individualized Education Program) dates can cross school years, sSEPA records must end within the school year - usually the last day of the student’s enrollment.
  • Other important collections included in year-end are:

Visit Spring Snapshot/School Year Close Out Season Training on Slides and Videos webpage

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