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Section 504 Status

Section 504 Status: WISEdata

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A student with Section 504 status is any student who has a physical or mental impairment covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. 

You will submit to WISEdata any student who has Section 504 status. This data element is now required for students in WI Department of Corrections and in WI Department of Health Services as part of Chronic Absenteeism tracking. 

USES: This data element is used to report Chronic Absenteeism for EDFacts.


FAQs, Details, and Points to Note


  1. DOC/DHS: Starting in the 2017-18 school year, all agencies that participate in the Civil Rights Data Collection must submit this data element for students with Section 504 plans, including the Department of Corrections and the Department of Health Services. The element is required to be sent in every year a student has a Section 504 plan, even though the Civil Rights Data Collection is conducted every other year

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