Archive Release Notes for WISEadmin and Other WISE Application
The Department of Health Services (DHS) is a partner agency with DPI for the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) immunization registry integration. DHS and DPI are able to provide an API integration solution to retrieve the student immunization records from the Department of Health Services (DHS) and pass it back to the LEA’s student information system (SIS). Only local education agencies whose student information system (SIS) vendor tools have completed the WIR integration certification may be set up in WIR. The text within WISEadmin Portal pertaining to the WIR setup process will explain this requirement more clearly. This will alleviate unnecessary processing times on DHS and on LEAs who are attempting WIR integration with a SIS tool that is not compatible. Choice schools that Opt-in to the All Students Report Card can access this tool through the WISEadmin Portal. Choice schools that Opt-out to the All Students Report Card cannot opt in to the WIR tool. Likewise, a private school that was a Choice school in previous school years, but that changes its status to no longer be a Choice private school, can also no longer have access to the WIR integration. Private schools that are no longer Choice schools will not have the ability to opt-in to the WIR tool via WISEadmin Portal. Private schools that are not/no longer Choice schools would not need access to WISEadmin Portal because they have different reporting expectations to DPI. These schools only need to provide information via the PI-1207, Private School Report. For details on Choice schools’ data reporting visit the Choice Schools: Yearly Data Reporting Resources webpage. NSTR NSTR Please review the WISEadmin Portal User Guide webpage, District Library Plan section, to see instructions, information, and screenshots about the improved district library plan processes with WISEadmin Portal. Updates will include the following enhancements: NSTR NSTR An error that was previously displaying has been re-applied to the District Library Plan when the year range for the “Implementation Year From/To” is greater than five years. NSTR NSTR Email notifications will now be sent to the District Security Administrator (DSA) who submitted the plan, as well as to the Library Media Specialist, when it has been approved and returned to the LEA. Previously these emails were only sent to the Library Media Specialist. NSTR NSTR NSTR NSTR One of the larger school districts’ enrollment records were not appearing in the correct date for the second Friday in January (SFJ) counts. SFJ occurred on 1/12, but these enrollments were instead displaying on the date 1/6. This error with the dates for these enrollments has been resolved, and all calculations are now working and displaying as expected. When LEAs submit their Districts Library Plans on WISEadmin Portal, the DPI staff who review these plans can leave feedback about the plan. However, that feedback didn’t always remain visible to the LEAs. Based on feedback from LEAs who would like that feedback to remain visible, this has changed, so that DPI feedback will remain visible on the District Library Plan screen even after their plan has been approved/returned. These informative notes provide details, observations, or suggestions to improve a plan that has been approved. These notes do not always necessitate a resubmission. Additionally, when a district’s Library Plan is either approved or returned, an email notification will be sent to the LEA’s district library media specialist to keep them informed of this status. NSTR NSTR
WISEadmin Portal: Updating Text for Immunization Data Sharing Agreement
WISEadmin Portal: WIR data and Choice Schools
WISEdata Finance (WDF)
WISEadmin Portal: Changes to the District Library Plan Screen
WISEdata Finance:
WISEadmin Portal:
WISEadmin Portal: District Library Plan, New Error
WISEdata Finance (WDF)
WISEadmin Portal:
WISEadmin Portal: District Library Plan Email Notification
WISEdata Finance (WDF)
WISEadmin Portal:
WISEdata Finance (WDF)
WiSFiP: Enrollments Not Included in SFJ Count
WISEadmin Portal:
WISEadmin Portal: DPI Feedback
WISEdata Finance (WDF)