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Archive Release Notes for WISEdata and Related Applications

Archive Release Notes for WISEdata and Ed-Fi Applications

For Release Notes prior to those listed here, refer to the Historical Release Notes page.

Release Notes from 1/23/2025

WISEdata Portal Updates

WISEdata Portal: 2022-23 School Year Data Deactivated

As of January 21, 2025, the data for the 2022-23 school year has been removed from WISEdata Portal. The three years of data in WISEdata Portal are now for the 2025-26, 2024-25, and 2023-24 school years.

WISEdata Portal: CTE Courses Updated on Course List for 2025-26 SY

Four new courses were added to the Master Course List in WISEdata Portal. These courses are courses that are specifically taught by technical college instructors, which makes them dual enrollment courses. For this reason, the CTE Department is blank. These courses are for the 2025-26 school year and forward.

The courses that were added are as follows:

  • 3637 Wind Energy
    • (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-T) Technology and Engineering Education
  • 3580 CAD
    • (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-T) Technology and Engineering Education
  • 3575 Blueprint
    • (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-T) Technology and Engineering Education
  • 5832 Marketing-Commodities
    • (CTE-A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Education; (CTE-M) Marketing Education

WISEdata Portal: Changes to Course Rigor for 2025-26 SY

The Rigor Level property is being removed from the Master Course list starting with the 2025-26 school year. This decision was not made by DPI. This decision came down to DPI from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

WISEdata Portal: Updated KBA Logic for Validation Error 7460

When users are taking the Digital Equity Survey, some of the answers provided can create contradictions, resulting in Validation Error 7460. The KBA has been updated to reflect this error under the Contradiction Scenario 1 - Questions 1 and 2 Do Not Align section.

Ed-Fi Updates

Ed-Fi Credential: New URLs for 2025-26 School Year

The profile screen on the Ed-Fi Credential application now displays the URLs for the 2025-26 school year. The last time that Ed-Fi changed its URLs was the 2023-24 school year, and this caused quite a lot of LEAs to submit Help Tickets because data was not flowing from their SIS vendor tool over to DPI.

The Ed-Fi Credential Application User Guide webpage provides information about these URLs and their very important purpose. Please read the:

Ed-Fi Credential: LEA Monitoring (Vendor’s Only)

Improvements were made to the Ed-Fi Credential API so that data being pushed to DPI from student information systems takes less time to load data and results in fewer errors. Additionally, the last date/time stamp for data queue and validation job is more visible. This is located in the “EdOrgs with L2 Messages and Record Count” section, as a new column: Validation Last Run.  Both of these improvements can be found on the ‘LEA Monitoring’ screen in Ed-Fi Credential.

A screenshot of the Ed-Fi Credential application 'Home' screen displaying two new sections: API Keys with API Errors in the Last 24 Hours and EdOrgs with L2 Messages and Record Count.

An additional improvement to the Ed-Fi Credential ‘LEA Monitoring’ screen is a new drop-down section that displays different “Zero-Count” data. These sections will inform school/districts of data areas where no data has been received by DPI. The “Zero-Count” sections include:

  • Zero Enrollment Counts
  • Zero SSEPA Records
  • Zero Roster Data
  • Zero Discipline Data

These sections are only visible when the expander tool is clicked on the blue banner reading, “Educational Organizations with Zero Counts.”

A screenshot of the Ed-Fi Credential application 'Home' screen displaying expander tool is clicked on the blue banner reading, “Educational Organizations with Zero Counts.”


Release Notes from 1/7/2025

WISEdata Portal Updates


Ed-Fi Updates

Ed-Fi: New Claim Set for HR/Finance Vendors

New claim sets were created for LEAs who use either or both a Human Resources staff information system (HR SIS) or a finance staff information system (F SIS) vendor tool to submit staff data to DPI. The claim set allows data from such vendor tools to create WISEids and to send staff records to WISEdata and other WISEsecure application via the Ed-Fi API.

Release Notes from 12/17/2024

WISEdata Portal: Discipline Incident Chart Reporting Double

The Data Quality screen in WISEdata Portal was displaying an incorrect amount of discipline incidents for the 2023-24 school year for some districts.

The discipline data was displayed accurately on the Discipline Incident Export, but the Discipline Chart on the Data Quality screen in WISEdata Portal, when filtered to display by grade, was showing doubled amounts (e.g., if the Export displayed 19 students, the Data Quality screen was displaying 38 students).

This mismatch has been resolved, and the amounts are displaying correctly on both Data Quality screens and in the Export.

WISEdata Portal: New Warning 7488

A new validation warning, 7488, has been created for WISEdata reporting of student email addresses. This warning will take effect at the start of the 2025-26 school year. Students must have a student email that is unique to them and not shared with another student. This refers to the student’s email on the student education organization association record in WISEdata Portal. Please read the KBA for warning 7488 for more information.

Ed-Fi Updates


Release Notes from 11/26/2024

WISEdata Portal Updates

WISEdata Portal: No Releases or Product Updates

To ensure that no new glitches are created within the WISEdata Portal, there is a production deployment freeze until the December 10, 2024, snapshot has been completed. This is being done to prevent any disruptions in data flow from LEAs to DPI.

WISEdata Portal: Courses with Multiple Grades

An answer was given incorrectly in the 11/19/24 user group meeting that caused confusion. It is, in fact, permissible for districts to submit more than one grade level in a roster course section (e.g., grades 6, 7 & 8 in one music class). We are very sorry for getting this wrong. If you are reporting multiple grade levels in the same roster course, you do not need to make any changes to your roster data. Again, we apologize for the confusion.

Ed-Fi Updates


WISEadmin Portal and Other App Updates

WISEadmin Portal:


WISEdata Finance:




Release Notes from 11/12/2024

WISEdata Portal Updates

WISEdata Portal: AP/IB Courses Missing from Program Mapping

A handful of Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses were missing from the Program mapping for the 2024-25 school year. The courses were:

  • AP Seminar: English
  • AP Precalculus

These courses were correctly replaced within the Program mapping, and now appear correctly on the Course Export in WISEdata Portal.


WISEdata Portal: Bug Fix, Error 7447

Error 7447 (No students have been submitted for the discipline incident in this school) was throwing incorrectly on the student level, instead of on the school level. This caused WISEids for students not enrolled in the LEA to be incorrectly associated with the validation rule, even though they do not attend that school/district. This issue has been repaired and the validation error is working correctly now.

WISEdata Portal: Bug Fix, Error 7475

Error 7475 (Missing disability data from Choice School when disability data exists) was throwing incorrectly for Choice schools. Logic was adjusted to ensure that 7475 only throws for the school when a student educational organization association has a student special education program association (sSEPA record), and no disability data value. Every student with a sSEPA record is expected to have a disability value.

Ed-Fi Updates

Ed-Fi: Bug Fix for CESAs on API Key

The Ed-Fi API was incorrectly associating all 12 Cooperative Educational Services Agencies (CESA) to a single API Key. Each individual CESA should have its own unique API Key. This has been corrected for all 12 CESAs, pertaining to data for the current school year.

WISEadmin Portal and Other App Updates

WISEadmin Portal:


WISEdata Finance:




Release Notes from 10/29/2024

WISEdata Portal Updates

WISEdata Portal: Daily Import Job Now Runs Twice a Day

WISEdata Portal is a read-only application. LEAs across the state push their data to WISEdata Portal, and WISEdata Portal imports this pushed data. This import job has traditionally only run once a day, around 5 p.m.

In response to customer feedback, this daily import job will now run twice a day, once at 6:00 a.m. and once again at 6:00 p.m., allowing for more frequent data updates and data validations.

Customers still have the option to click Queue Manual Validations at any time.

Ed-Fi Updates


Release Notes from 10/15/2024

WISEdata Portal Updates

WISEdata Portal: Remove WL Category from Braille Courses

There is a national conversation occurring around how Braille is coded within School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED). Since SCED 9 (we are currently using SCED 12 for the 2024-25 school year), Braille is listed under Subject Area Code ‘24’ as a World Language. However, since Braille is used to support access to reading English and is taught in English, this code classifying Braille as a World Language is controversial.

DPI’s plan is to remove this World Language category from Braille courses within our WISEdata Roster system for the following school years and continue this trend going forward: 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26.

WISEdata Portal Bug Fix: CTE Participant Export

Users were receiving an error message, “Error occurred while processing the request,” when they attempted to download the CTE Participant export from WISEdata Portal. This bug was fixed, and the export is now fully functional.

WISEdata Portal Bug Fix: CTE Dept Code Value Missing in Course Export

A bug fix was conducted to replace the missing CTE Department Code value to the Courses export in WISEdata Portal for the 2023-24 school year.

Ed-Fi Updates

Ed-Fi: County CDEBs Not Displaying

CCDEB members with valid Ed-Fi Credential user roles were getting an error message screen when they logged in to the application. This was occurring because the Ed-Fi logic deletes agencies without any associated active schools. The application has now been modified to include CCDEBs without schools.

Release Notes from 10/1/2024

WISEdata Portal: Modified “Data Domains Out of Sync” Display

In response to customer feedback, the WISEdata Portal Home screen display has been modified.

On the WISEdata Status section, changes include:

  • WISEdata Status: Data Domains Out of Sync section (formerly “Out of Sync”)
  • The yearly panel now displays the number of data domains that are out of sync (e.g., “2 Domains” refers to two data domains that are out of sync between the LEA SIS and WISEdata Portal). Domains refer to data categories, such as enrollment, roster, discipline, etc.…
  • Date/Time stamp is displayed again on each of the three years of data for WISEdata Portal (current school year plus two prior years)

On the WISEdata API Transactions section, changes include:

  • When a user clicks a vendor tool tile, the pop-up window now states, “No Difference between API and WDP” (previously it stated, “Data is Up to Date.”).

WISEdata Portal: Courses .CSV Document

In response to customer requests, a slight adjustment has been made to the .CSV courses document created by LEAs from within the Courses screen in WISEdata Portal, the Courses Export, as well as from the Courses data element page.  

Specifically, the “CTE Department” header now has the course-level characteristic description code value in the long description. For example:

  • (CTE-H) Health Science Education
  • (CTE-M) Marketing Education

Ed-Fi Updates


Release Notes from 9/17/2024

WISEdata Portal: Snapshot Focused Validations Filter

This new feature is available on the Validations screen of the WISEdata Portal. The “Snapshot Focused” filter allows schools to prioritize data validations that will affect their snapshot data. More details are available on the WISEdata Validation Messages mini tutorial webpage.

WISEdata Portal: Enhanced Search Features to Student Search Screen

The Student Search screen in WISEdata Portal now has enhanced performance. Students are displayed instantly without the need to click the 'search' button or experience a delay. The Student Search page should automatically display students based on criteria entered from the filters. Find more information about this and other features on the WISEdata Portal Overview mini tutorial.

WISEdata Portal: New CTE Course, ‘Consumer Economics/Personal Finance’

The course titled ‘Consumer Economics/Personal Finance’ now has a CTE SCED code, as well as a non-CTE SCED code. The CTE SCED code should be used when the course is being taught by a business teacher holding the appropriate license for the CTE requirement.

  • New CTE Course for 25 SY onwards:
    • New Roster Code: 16449
    • SCED Code: 19262
    • CTE Course=Yes
    • CTE Cluster = Finance
    • CTE Department = Business and Information Technology Education; Family and Consumer Sciences Education
  • Equivalent Non-CTE Course for 25 SY onwards:
    • Roster Code: 4072
    • SCED Code: 19262
    • CTE Course=No
    • CTE Cluster – N/A
    • CTE Department – N/A

Ed-Fi Updates

Ed-Fi Credential: ‘Last Used’ Date Bug Fix

A bug was repaired that was causing different ‘Last Used’ dates to display in Ed-Fi Credential than what was displaying in WISEdata Portal. These dates are used by both DPI staff and by LEAs to understand if/when their data is flowing to DPI from their vended applications (e.g., student information system). Now that the bug has been fixed, the dates are once again displaying consistent information.

Release Notes from 8/20/2024

WISEdata Portal: Modify Course Titles and Descriptions

When the Roster: Courses export was downloaded as an .xls file, a special character was appearing in the Excel file (—) in places where a long dash (—) was typed into a course title or description (e.g., Health Care Sciences—School-based Enterprise was displaying as Health Care Sciences — School-based Enterprise).

The file type was adjusted, and the export now reads legibly.


WISEdata Portal: Alerts Screen Ack/Unack Buttons

The ‘Acknowledge’/’Unacknowledge’ buttons on the WISEdata Portal Alerts screen were refreshing the screen content, but the buttons were not switching status once clicked. This bug has been fixed, and the buttons are correctly switching status once clicked to align with screen content.


WISEdata Portal: Bug Fixes to New CTE Exports

The Career Connected High School (CCHS) export and the College and Career Ready (CCR) export in WISEdata Portal were not visible when the 2023-24 school year was selected in WISEdata Portal. They are now visible for the 2023-24 school year and onwards.

  • Both exports now display the programs listed below as Work Based Learning (WBL) Programs:
  • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills
  • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational
  • State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership
  • Youth Apprenticeship

Ed-Fi Updates


Release Notes from 8/6/2024

WISEdata Portal:

WISEdata Portal: Exports Pertaining to Membership Modified

The attendance Membership exports for third Friday of September and second Friday of January count dates (TFS and SFJ with absence rate of 60% or higher; Students Not Receiving Services on TFS/SFJ) will now display the following columns:

  • Absent on Count Date’ with a yes or no value.
  • ‘Present in LEA before Count Date’ with a yes or no value.
  • ‘Present in LEA after Count Date’ with a yes or no value.

These columns will display the alternate count date under the applicable header when checking whether the student is absent/present or not.

Additionally, the ‘Students Not Receiving Services’ export for TFS and SFJ count excludes students who either exited before the count date (TFS/SFJ) or enrolled after the count date.

WISEdata Portal: Export for College Career Ready

The College Career Ready export had a bug where the IAC/CIP code was not displaying in the export, even though the code was properly displayed in WISEdata Portal. This has been resolved, and the export is now properly displaying all IAC/CIP codes.

Ed-Fi Updates


WISEdash Updates

WISEdash for Districts


WISEdash Public Portal: DPI Address Change

The footer on all WISEdash Public Portal screens now displays DPI’s new address. Current as of August 5, 2024, DPI is now physically located in the Tommy G. Thompson building, located at 201 West Washington Avenue, Madison, WI, 53703. DPI’s post office box address remains the same: PO Box 7841, Madison, WI, 54707.

WISEadmin Portal and Other App Updates

WISEadmin Portal: District Library Plan Email Notification

Email notifications will now be sent to the District Security Administrator (DSA) who submitted the plan, as well as to the Library Media Specialist, when it has been approved and returned to the LEA. Previously these emails were only sent to the Library Media Specialist.

WISEdata Finance:




WISE Webpage/Documentation Updates

Snapshot Preparation Guidance: Data Quality Auditing Pages All Updated

The following Data Quality Auditing webpages have all been reviewed by DPI’s Office of Educational Accountability (OEA) Team to ensure pertinent information describes how snapshot data affects the school and district report card results:

WISEadmin Portal: Old Form, Redirected

An outdated local data sharing agreement form kept resurfacing as a result when users were conducting a search for the most current local data sharing agreement. The Local Assessment Data Use Information webpage describes how this form is now digitally signed and submitted within the WISEadmin Portal. Should users continue to locate the old form as a result of conducting a search on the DPI webpage, the URL for that old form will now redirect users to the proper WISEadmin tutorial webpage so that confusion over this form is eliminated.

CST and Other WISE Webpage Updates

Customer Services Team Landing Page: Streamlined and Updated

The Customer Services Team webpage has been streamlined to provide you with more focused and helpful content.

Data Errata Webpage: DPI Address Change

The data errata template letters (both the Word documents and the screenshots) are now displaying DPI’s new address. Current as of August 5, 2024, DPI is now physically located in the Tommy G. Thompson building, located at 201 West Washington Avenue, Madison, WI, 53703. DPI’s post office box address remains the same: PO Box 7841, Madison, WI, 54707.


PI-1207 User Guide: Linked to Data Elements

The PI-1207 User Guide webpage now has hyperlinks to any available data elements that support each screen in the PI-1207.

For Release Notes prior to those listed here, refer to the Historical Release Notes page.

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