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Business & Information Technology Education Standards Resources

Wisconsin Business and Information Technology (BIT) Standards Resources

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The primary mission of Business & Information Technology is to prepare students for business occupations and to teach students about business. Education about Business & Information Technology focuses on those aspects of business that affect every member of society, whereas preparation for business occupations focuses on the preparation of individuals to own or operate their own business or to work in a variety of business functions.

Within the local school district and community, it is the business educator who must develop and nurture a comprehensive business program. The support base for the program should include former students, business employees/employers, informed educators, parents and all others who recognize that business education can improve the quality of life for the individual and well-being of the community.

The Business & Information Technology consultant and staff at the Department of Public Instruction offers major support to business educators at all levels.

Some of these links may take you to a non-DPI Website. Use of these linked sites do not represent a DPI endorsement of the hosting agency nor other information available at the site. This module was designed for educator leaders to support the understanding of Career and Technical Education Standards. You are encouraged to customize this module to meet the needs of your audience. No portions of this module may be altered, but may be reproduced or disseminated for non-profit, educational purposes without prior permission.

Additional Resources

I. Advocacy

II. Business & Information Technology Program Resources

III. Connecting B&IT to Wisconsin Common Career Technical Standards

  • WCRS BMIT Course Activity (coming soon)

IV. Business & Information Technology Standards Supplement

V. Connecting Business & Information Technology to Common Core State Standards (Disciplinary Literacy)

VI. Performance Task Samples

Presentations Archive