2023-24 Title IVA Application
The district is required to submit an application to the Department of Public Instruction through WISEgrants. This application can be in the form of an individual district application or a consortium with one or more surrounding school districts. The 2024-25 application is now available in WISEgrants and is due August 30, 2024. If you or the designated program coordinator will be a new user in WISEgrants, please visit the following site and sign up for a WAMS ID. Technical assistance is available here for WAMS ID. The WUFAR source code will be 730 and the WUFAR project code will be 381.
NEW: TheTitle IV, Part A Application: A Start Guide for LEAs was created to provide an overview of the major requirements of Title IV-A and support application development. Assistance on where to locate the LEA Plan Question and Evaluation sections within WISEgrants is available on pages 3-4. Pages 5-6 are only relevant to districts that are funding mental health assessment and services with Title IV-A. These district must upload documentation for Active Parental Consent.
Funding Eligibility Requirements.
- All applicants are required to direct Title IV-A funds to schools/students of greatest need as a way to support educational equity.
- All applicants are required to create the application in consultation with stakeholders in the area served by the school district. Examples of stakeholders can be found on page 11 of the non-regulatory guidance.
- All applicants are required to periodically evaluate their Title IV-A programs. The application (under public budget) requires applicants to describe a plan for how they will periodically evaluate at least one funded activity. The plan must include a measurable goal. Two resources are available to assist with this requirement.
- The Title IV-A Evaluation Worksheet was created to guide LEAs through the alignment of need, funded activities and measurable program outcomes.
- The T4P4 Evaluation Guide provides a high-level overview of the evaluation cycle and can assist LEAs in evaluating whether a selected program/activity is achieving the desired outcome. This guide is intended to serve as a companion piece to the Title IV, Part A LEA Needs Assessment Tool highlighted in the Guidance on Needs Assessment section of this website.
- While districts receiving over $30,000 are required to complete a Title IV-A needs assessment, this step is an essential part of the continuous improvement process and is recommended regardless of allocation.
Other Resources: