Introduction to Section:
The preparation of a landscape report on the status of computer science in Wisconsin can help the collective efforts by education institutions, industry, and community partners to understand the needs for investing in programming. DPI will leverage multiple points of data from DPI data warehouse and course enrollments along with other state partners to help establish a baseline of the “state of the state” profile with comparison/contrast to achievements of other states. DPI can leverage state profile to guide data-driven leadership decisions, resource allocation, and annual review of the Wisconsin Computer Science Plan.
State-Level Goal:
Our state-level goal is to measure the state of computer science education across demographics and regions to inform the state’s goals.
State-Level Strategies and Recommendations
Annually monitor district shared staff reports to assess teacher allocation for computer science licensed teachers, with breakdowns by region.
Annually analyze data related to how computer science teachers are accessing various pathways to licensure including a breakdown by educator demographic subpopulations.
Provide opportunities to publicly share and distribute data profiles to schools, partners, institutes of higher education, and other government agencies.
Track participation data in Advanced Placement Computer Science courses to prepare statewide and regional data profiles.
Annually review course coding data captured by the DPI to identify curriculum gaps and opportunities for targeted professional learning.
Annually review how many students are enrolled in computer science classes in a district vs. how many students are in the district, as well as demographics of students enrolled in classes.
Create a metric of collecting information on student participation in the Digital Technology Pathways.
Create necessary data collection, analysis, presentation, and dissemination procedures that support the specific goals throughout this document and allow us yearly to ascertain how well we are achieving the goals and to modify them as necessary based on this data.
Add questions to the annual Digital Learning survey about K-12 integration progress and other data points from the Plan.
Review annual reports from other state and national partners to help review the Plan goals and priorities to scale equitable computer science.
District Planning and Implementation Strategies
Regularly measure the state of computer science education and foundational computational skills across demographics to inform goals.
Follow up on data reporting to influence the next steps.
Consider how computer science integrates with the work your district is already doing.