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Introduction Section

Promoting opportunities to increase student access via traditional and non-traditional programming and support to create learning pathways for students and address industry needs. By sharing strategies to increase involvement by community, industry, and education partners, Wisconsin can create equitable regional and statewide opportunities.

State-Level Goal:

Our state-level goal is to use our formalized Wisconsin partnerships and professional learning networks to increase access and quality of computer science education and career-based learning experiences in Wisconsin.

State-Level Strategies and Recommendations
District Strategies and Implementation
  • Assess how computer science integrates with the work your district is already doing and utilize the CSforALL SCRIPT process to create district goals.

  • Identify strengths/barriers/challenges and opportunities that you have related to engagement with Wisconsin partnerships and professional learning networks to develop goals and next steps.

  • Identify who needs to know about Wisconsin partnerships and professional learning networks to develop a plan for improved outreach.

For questions about this information, contact Amy Bires (608) 266-3851