The DPI offers the Promoting Excellence for All eCourse to help educators deepen their understanding and use of strategies proven to close the gap.
This eCourse will help educators explore existing beliefs, performance data, and instructional strategies, in order to build the skills of being a race-conscious educator, a competent data user, and an agile instructor responsive to the reality of Wisconsin’s achievement gaps. This learning is intended to have relevance to teaching, leadership, or school improvement planning.
Teams are encouraged to participate in the eCourse collaboratively. At the same time, the eCourse is personalized to each educator, in that each will reflect on his or her own beliefs, data, and professional practice.
The eCourse is broken into three learning modules — “Understanding Race in Education,” “Exploring the Data,” and “Using the Strategies.” Each module includes activities that can be saved for later use. Educators may wish to upload their work from this eCourse to serve as evidence (artifacts) for an electronic portfolio, to use in Educator Effectiveness or in their professional development plan (PDP). Educators are encouraged to complete this eCourse, but there are no requirements to complete these modules. Similarly, there are no requirements that educators must upload evidence; it is completely optional.
The DPI encourages other educational non-profit organizations to use this content to offer professional development and credit-bearing courses to educators (Please provide a credit to: “The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the Equity Alliance at Arizona State University”).