School effort is concentrated and conducted with cultural competency to connect families with the school in order to highlight the importance of academic success. Involving families in school-based activities also fosters positive engagement with educators and increases family awareness of student progress.
Tips from Parent Advisory Council members:
- View extended family members as resources.
- Meet parents at neighborhood spaces such as churches, libraries, fast food restaurants or neighborhood centers.
- Expect and train all school staff to promptly greet families and offer friendly, personal assistance.
- Share strategies for learning used at school that can be reinforced at home.
Mindoro Elementary School offers a fall literacy event for children and families. Participants rotated through each of five classrooms themed to a different book. Teachers or family members read a book aloud, children have a snack, and do a craft activity that reflects the book’s theme. Each child then receives a personal copy of the book to take with them. At the end of the night, each child had a small set of books that they could read at home with their family.
Starbuck Middle School staff implements the Violence Free Zone initiative. Advisors come from the students’ neighborhoods and share similar ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. They become mentors to help students cope with problems and keep them in the classroom.