During the 2014-15 school year, then State Superintendent Tony Evers charged his Parent Advisory Council (PAC) with building on the work of the Promoting Excellence for All Task Force.
The council’s contributions can be found in their report as well as in the materials (video, textual) throughout the Family & Community Engagement focus area of this site.
As involved parents, grandparents, and community members who represent the diversity of Wisconsin public school students, PAC members identified meaningful ways for schools to welcome and engage all families in children’s learning.
The council worked with the national “Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships,” and added information from their own experiences.
Belief Statement of the Parent Advisory Council
We believe all parents want their children to learn and to succeed in school. Families are a source of strength and knowledge. They are best able to help their children do well in school when schools accept families as they are and make frequent efforts to know, listen to and learn from parents.
Schools enlist families as partners and decision makers in closing student achievement gaps when they:
- Recognize and build upon students’ unique cultural and family strengths
- Communicate regularly with families in their languages and invite families to share their knowledge and needs,
- Create multiple ways for all families to gain skills and knowledge that support children’s learning and achieve school goals, and
- Help families become aware of and use community resources that prepare every child to be career and college ready.
Members of the 2014-15 State Superintendent's Parent Advisory Council
Ellen Chicka, Superior
Quincey Daniels, PhD, Melrose
Jakelyn Karabetsos, Kenosha
Nicholas Kedrowski, Osseo
Josephine Lorya-Ozulamo, Madison
Melissa Lowe, Black River Falls
Erin Polkinghorn, Pecatonica
Suzy Rodriguez, Milwaukee
Janet Saiz, Madison
Jenna Southard, Eau Claire
Merideth R. Trahan, Madison
Laura Weaver, West Allis
Nasra Wehelie, Madison