The Promoting Excellence for All: State Superintendent's Task Force on Wisconsin's Achievement Gap met five times during the spring and summer of 2014. Through its work, this website was created. Their findings are also available in a printable report.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction
State Superintendent Tony Evers called the Promoting Excellence for All: State Superintendent's Task Force on Wisconsin's Achievement Gap his top priority for Spring 2014. He worked directly with the task force chair, Demond Means, as the group worked on this project to help ensure every child graduates ready for college and career.

Task Force Chair
Demond Means, Superintendent, Mequon-Thiensville School District
A strong advocate for underrepresented students, Means has nearly two decades of administrative experience. He drew on his background as a former social studies teacher, coach, and adviser in leading the practitioner laden task force with practical instructional knowledge.
Task Force Members
Teachers and principals were invited to serve because a data review identified their schools as experiencing increased student achievement, decreased achievement gaps, and improved achievement of non-white students.
Rasma Barbee, Teacher, Chegwin Elementary School, Fond du Lac School District
Sam Carter, Principal, Robinson Elementary School, Beloit School District
Kendra Cerniglia, Teacher, Leopold Elementary School, Madison Metropolitan School District
Caitlin Dee, Teacher, Nathan Hale High School, West Allis-West Milwaukee School District
Allison DeGraaf, Principal, Kennedy Elementary School, Janesville School District
Jennifer Doucette, Principal, James Fenimore Cooper Elementary School, Milwaukee Public Schools
Julie Erickson, Teacher, Menominee Indian High School, Menominee Indian School District
Stacey Frank, Teacher, Webster Stanley Middle School, Oshkosh Area School District
Dean Hess, Principal, John Muir Middle School, Wausau School District
Erin Hollmann, Teacher, St. Marcus Lutheran School, Milwaukee
James Kalupa, Curriculum Coordinator, Bruce Guadalupe Community School, Milwaukee
Theresa Morateck, Teacher, Jeremiah Curtin Leadership Academy, Milwaukee Public Schools
Fernando Muniz, Teacher, Tenor High School, Milwaukee
Patricia Olander, Teacher, Notre Dame Middle School, Milwaukee
Rebecca Panjan, Teacher, Starbuck Middle School, Racine Unified School District
Jill Schmoldt, Instructional Coach, Westside Elementary School, Sun Prairie Area School District
Kim Spychalla, Principal, MacArthur Elementary School, Green Bay Area Public School District