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Effective Instruction

Belief Statement

We honor cultural backgrounds, acknowledge similarities, and provide diverse perspectives and multiple modalities for learning.

We are critically aware of our own cultural identity and the ways it permeates our world views. We draw from the students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences to connect to the curriculum.

In our culturally responsive learning environments, students of color are valued, respected, and accepted as individuals. Students of color are provided equal access to a rigorous curriculum. The classroom environment empowers students to take risks.


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Support from the Research

Theresa Morateck

Educator Insight

"If you're always giving a child an easy level text because that's where they are successful they never get to the on-level or challenging text. They never even get the exposure or the opportunity to read it."

Hear more from Theresa Morateck, Teacher, Jeremiah Curtin Leadership Academy (Milwaukee)