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Introduction to Section:

Wisconsin’s Vision for Computer Science is to provide quality computer science programming for all Wisconsin students to support students’ identity, culture, and interest to allow them to prepare for a diverse workforce.

State-Level Goal:

Our state-level goal is to increase participation in computer science by underrepresented groups including women, people of color, students of all abilities, and rural students. Equity also includes providing early access to computer science education; providing instruction that is relevant, accessible, and engaging; and introducing students to diverse role models. Equity will be at the forefront of any decision we make related to computer science. Educational equity means that every student has access to the resources and educational rigor they need at the right moment in their education, across race, gender, ethnicity, language, ability, sexual orientation, family background, and/or family income.

State-Level Strategies and Recommendations
  • Identify strategies to recruit and retain underrepresented populations by race/ethnicity, gender, and geography in local district or community partner programs.

  • Partner with organizations such as NCWIT-Women in Technology,,, Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA), National Alliance for Partners in Equity (NAPE), Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), Women in Technology (WIT) Wisconsin, and others to engage underrepresented student populations.

  • Publish demographic information by school district semi-annually to allow districts to course-correct implement district training that focuses on equitable practices for engaging underrepresented groups.

  • Implement equitable practices in mentoring programs.

  • Expand access to rural and urban schools by routinely assessing infrastructure and technology needs to inform state and private investment in infrastructure.

  • Establish guidelines to ensure that all curriculum and instructional materials are accessible to people with disabilities.

  • Provide guidance on how to embed computer science skills in subjects that all students participate in.

  • Partner with non-profit sector organizations that provide opportunities for increased equity particularly those that have long-standing relationships with the underrepresented populations.

  • Identify and recognize schools/districts finding success with the recruitment and retention of typically underrepresented populations.

  • Identify and encourage partnerships with other organizations dedicated to equity objectives through education.

  • Identify and recognize partnerships between schools/districts and business/community organizations that have been successful in improving both the numbers and retention of underrepresented minorities in our school K-12 and community programming.

  • Analyze Wisconsin Advanced Placement Computer Science data and trends to identify options to increase participation by underrepresented populations, regional profile gap, and course access options.
District Strategies and Implementation
  • Utilize the CSforALL SCRIPT process to create district goals around equitable access and participation to identify opportunities for students to increase their access to K-12 programming.

  • Frequently review demographic data related to computer science participation in your district by course offerings and instructional alignment.

  • Take steps to address equity in computer science participation by reviewing shared best practices, research, and student interest inventories.

  • Identify and implement opportunities to better partner with industry and non-profit organizations or the community to engage underrepresented students.

  • Consider how computer science integrates with the work your district is already doing.

For questions about this information, contact Amy Bires (608) 266-3851