The 2015-17 Biennial Budget was signed by Governor Walker on July 12, 2015, enacted as 2015 Act 55.
- Condensed Summary of 2015 Act 55 - K-12 Education
- Summary of Budgeted Amounts for K-12 School Aids and Tax Credits for FY15, FY16 and FY17
- Chapter 20 Appropriations Schedule under 2015 Act 55 for the Department of Public Instruction - this document shows budgeted amounts for each fiscal year of the 2015-17 biennium by appropriation for all activities within the Department (including agency operations, school aids, grants/local assistance) and for all fund sources.
- DPI Summary (narrative) of 2015 Act 55 (with Governor's Vetoes) - K-12 Education
- Governor's Veto Message
- DPI Veto Request Letter to Governor for 2015-17 Budget Proposal for K-12 Education
- DPI Summary (highlights) of Governor's 2015-17 Budget Proposal for K-12 Education
- DPI's 2015-17 Biennial Budget Request
- 2015-17 Budget Highlights
- Link to State Superintendent Evers' Fair Funding for our Future Proposal
- Link to 2015-17 Budget News Page