Final 2017-19 Biennial Budget, enacted as 2017 Act 59
NEW - State Aid and Grant Programs Created under 2017 Act 59
Chapter 20 Appropriations Schedule
Condensed Summary of 2017 Act 59 Provisions Affecting K-12 Education, Public Libraries/Life-long Learning, and the Department of Public Instruction (October 2017) - this document contains information on the provisions included in Act 59 (final outcomes).
Full Summary of 2017 Act 59 Provisions Affecting K-12 Education, Public Libraries/Life-long Learning, and the Department of Public Instruction (October 2017) - this document contains information on each stage of the biennial budget process (the Department's request, the Governor's proposal, the budget bill as acted on by the Joint Committee on Finance, and Act 59 as impacted by the Governor's vetoes).
2017 Act 59 (with Governor's Vetoes)
Governor's Veto Message (September 21, 2017)
Veto Request Memo from State Superintendent Evers to the Governor (September 19, 2017)
Joint Committee on Finance Budget
ASA 1 to AB 64 (September 5, 2017)
Governor Walker's 2017-19 Budget Proposal
On February 8, 2017, Governor Walker released his recommendations for the 2017-19 state biennial budget, introduced as 2017 SB 30 [AB 64]. The Department has compiled a summary document to reflect the changes proposed by the Governor for K-12 education, public libraries and lifelong learning, and for the Department's operations.
Below are links to the Governor's 2017-19 Budget Proposal for all state agencies:
Executive Budget in Brief (Governor's budget proposal for all state agencies)
2017 SB 30 (the 2017-19 biennial budget bill)
On November 10, 2016, State Superintendent Evers submitted the Department of Public Instruction's 2017-19 Biennial Budget request, which includes the Department's full request for budget and position authority related to school finance, public libraries, technology, and agency operations.
2017-19 DPI Biennial Budget Request (November 2016)
Summary of 2017-19 DPI Budget Request (November 2016)
For additional information, please contact the Policy and Budget team staff.