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2021-23 Biennial Budget

On July 8, 2021 Governor Evers signed AB 68, the 2021-23 state biennial budget, into law as 2021 Act 58 (with partial vetoes). The documents below summarizes action on the state budget for K-12 school funding, public libraries and lifelong learning, and the Department's operations. 

Chapter 20 Schedule - all DPI appropriations under 2021 Act 58

K-12 School Aids under 2021 Act 58 (table)

One-Page Summary of School District Revenue Limits and School Aids

Short Summary of Changes Included in the 2021-23 Biennial Budget (2021 Act 58)

Full Summary of the 2021-23 Biennial Budget (2021 Act 58

*For a summary of budget provisions for all state agencies, see the Legislative Fiscal Bureau's summary of the 2021-23 Biennial Budget

Information on DPI's 2021-23 Biennial Budget Request

Governor Evers' 2021-23 Biennial Budget Proposal 

Additional Special Education Categorical Aid under the Governor's Proposal to Raise Reimbursement Rates (May 2021) - simulation of additional aid that school districts would have received if the Governor's proposal to reimburse costs at 45% and 50% had been in place for FY20 and FY21 (respectively). 

Power Point Presentation on the Governor's Proposal for K-12 Schools and Public Libraries (March 2021)

On February 16, 2021, Governor Evers released his 2021-23 biennial budget proposal for the State of Wisconsin (i.e., the budget bill). The 2021-23 budget bill will be deliberated by the Legislative Joint Committee on Finance (JCF) over the next few months, and then move on to the Legislature for consideration and final adoption. The final 2021-23 budget bill will then be sent to the Governor for signing. This web page will be updated to include information on changes made to the 2021-23 budget bill by the Legislature, as well as a summary of the provisions of the final budget act (as signed by the Governor) that impact K-12 education, public libraries, and DPI operations. 

Summary of Governor Evers' 2021-23 Budget Proposal for K-12 School Aids, Public Libraries, and Agency Operations (February 16, 2021)

2021 AB 68 / SB 111 - full text of budget bill

Information about the 2021-23 budget bill for all state agencies is available on the Legislative Fiscal Bureau website

The Department of Public Instruction's 2021-23 Biennial Budget Request

The Department of Public Instruction submitted its 2021-23 Biennial Budget request in full on November 9, 2020. The department's request includes funding and program changes for K-12 School Aids, for Public Libraries, and for department’s operating budget. The department will update this web page as new information on the 2021-23 biennial budget becomes available.

DPI's 2021-23 Budget Request for K-12 School Aids, Public Libraries, and Agency Operations - November 9, 2020 (full decision item narratives)

Major budget topics for the 2021-2023 biennium include:

Special Education Funding

Mental Health & Student Wellness

Out-of-School Time Programs

Public Libraries & Life Long Learning

Workforce Development - College & Career Ready

Summary Sheets:



For questions about this information, contact Erin Fath (608) 266-2804