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Job Shadow

A job shadow is a career-based learning experience (CBLE) in which a student observes and learns about a job or activity by walking through the work day as a shadow to a skilled and competent employee(s). The experience is planned and structured with the goal of enabling the student to observe behavior and situations, engage in interactive questions and answers, and experience the link between classroom learning and practice. The job shadow lasts from a few hours to a few days. Students do not perform productive work and are not paid for the experience.

The virtual option allows students to video-conference from class or home! It may be prefaced with basic career information and allows questions via the chat feature. For a thorough description on how to plan and implement virtual job shadows, see the Virtual Job Spotlight Guide. Recorded job shadows can be found at the end of this resource.

Additional Resources

Virtual Job Shadows - Live and recorded job shadows accessible to students statewide.