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Leading Forward - RECRUIT: Support Efforts in Areas of the State

Leading Forward graphic


Support recruitment efforts to grow the educator workforce across the state and in high-need areas.

There is a significant gap between the number of individuals completing an educator preparation program and those entering the public school workforce according to the last analysis of the educator workforce completed by the department. School districts also report significant challenges in recruiting candidates across multiple subject and geographic areas.

bullseye icon Our Goals

  • Reduce the gap between the number of individuals completing an educator preparation program and those obtaining employment in a school district by:
    • Developing a deep pool of candidates from which school districts can recruit
    • Informing licensing applicants of employment opportunity resources
    • Providing financial assistance information to new educators
  • Connect schools and candidates on employment opportunities
  • Provide opportunities for schools to recruit teachers through experiences in the school

cog icon Strategies

DPI works with partners to support these strategies:

  • Monitor and identify resources to help applicants to find employment opportunities in school districts
  • Provide support for applicants to locate financial assistance programs available to them upon employment in a school district
  • Administer the rural teacher talent pilot program
  • Connect preparation programs with school districts for field and clinical experiences

bar graph with up arrow icon Ongoing Impact Measures

We continue to review and analyze the impact of these strategies through the workforce data collected from the annual Educator Preparation Program and Workforce Analysis Report.

Employment Listing and Job Opportunity Resources


References, Research, Resources, and Reports

Check out sources that drive focus areas and strategies on the Resources and Impact page.