High-quality preparation matters. It impacts retention and persistence in the profession and student outcomes. Effective preparation includes coursework, field experiences, and student teaching.
Educator Preparation Programs
To receive a Tier II or Tier III educator license in Wisconsin, applicants can complete an approved program and demonstrate competency in the Wisconsin Educator Standards. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction approves educator preparation programs leading to licensure at entities including Wisconsin colleges/universities, CESAs, school districts, and private companies.
Under the program approval approach to educator licensing, Wisconsin-approved program completers are granted a license by the Department of Public Instruction based on the endorsement (i.e. recommendation) by the certification officer of the approved program.
If the approved program is offered through one of the thirty-three Wisconsin colleges and universities, the program can lead to a degree (e.g. Bachelor’s, Master’s, Education Specialist) and/or licensure only based on the licensure program requirements.
If the approved program is offered by an entity that is not a college or university, the candidate in this program must meet the minimal degree requirements prior to admission. These approved programs do not grant a degree.
To search all approved educator preparation programs, use Find a Prep Program button below to download an Excel spreadsheet. Note: The spreadsheet is updated often. Revisit the link to access the most up-to-date list.
For information about each approved program, please contact the program directly using the Contact Information for Approved Educator Preparation Programs below.
The following includes contact information for the educator preparation programs approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Kim Jacobson, Certification Officer Jodi Eastberg, Dean Jingjing Lou, DEPARTMENT CHAIR AND CERTIFYING OFFICER Amy Van Deuren, Director of Teacher Education Hannah Flores, Education & Youth Studies Program Coordinator Kate Meudt, Vice President of Academic Affairs Denise Barnes , Program and Certification Coordinator Katy Kozlowski , Coordinator of Education Programs Nina Weisling , Education Department Chair Dawn Rice, Assistant Director Kris Schrimpf , Coordinator Tere Masiarchin , Senior Director Kaye Henrickson, Director Jen Rasmussen, Director Stephanie Bernander, Director Aaron Malczewski, Dean / Licensing Coordinator Jeremy Wildenberg, Project Specialist / Scholar Advisor Linda Myers, Associate Director Faye Witulski, Program Assistant Kelli Chelberg , Assistant Professsor Adam Paape, Assitant Dean, School of Education Kristen Kasten, Director of Licensure and Assessment Julie Luecke, Associate Dean Julie Petersen , Certification Officer, Clinical Placement Specialist Erin Schiltgen, Director Tricia Schlicht, Program Administrator John Yang, Director (Teaching and Administrative licenses) Deborah Bilzing, Director (Pupil Services licenses) Stewart Purkey, Certification Officer Tad Nuce, Dean of the School of Education Charity Schmitz , Administrative Assistant Dr. Sandra Cronin , Interim Education Department Chair Kirsten Lathrop, Director of Field Placements & Licensure Jonathan Tempesta, Manager Ruth Barratt, Certification Officer Dan Pavletich, Associate Director Debra Dosemagen, Education Department Chair Angela McCarty , Education Services Director Kevin Zak, Education Department Chair and EPP Director Jean Rigden - Director of Teacher Education Michelle Falter , Director of Teacher Education / Associate Professor Logan Prochaska, Driver's Education Coordinator Carol Koroghlanian, Certification Officer Tim Kaufam , Chairperson, Education Marcie Wycoff Horn, Dean Jennifer Pinnow, Certification Officer & Academic Services Director Kelly Hayek, Assistant Director Kristin D. Gaura, CPE Chair Renae Swanson, Interim Dean UW – Parkside (Kenosha) Maria Franshaw, Chair, Department of Teacher Education Elizabeth Runde, Program Assistant Tim Buttles , School of Education Director Tyler Koepke, Certification Officer Maggie Beeber, Certification Officer Lynda Fernholz, Associate Dean & Head of the School of Education UW – Stout (Menomonie) Heather Klanderman, Certification Officer Michael Buncher, Certification Officer Wendy Kropid, Assistant Dean of Education Lana Collet-Klingenberg, Interim Dean Daisy Figueroa , Assistant Dean, School of Education Alan Bitter, Certification Officer Please use the PI-1604 EPP Contact Form for changes in information. The program approval process is a review of an entity’s educator preparation program. The review process ensures that Wisconsin’s educator preparation programs meet the performance-based standards and statutory and rule requirements specified in Wis. Stat. 118.19 and Wis. Admin. Code sec. PI 34. In addition, the process requires that entities develop collaborative relationships with the PK-12 education community to promote continuous improvement throughout an educator’s professional career. Entities have flexibility under Wis. Admin. Code sec. PI 34 to develop distinct preparation programs that reflect their unique missions, goals, and structures. Entities are responsible for providing evidence that their programs prepare educators who can meet the standards established by the State of Wisconsin in Wis. Admin. Code sec. PI 34 Subch. III and IV. The evidence is reviewed during the program approval process to ensure that entities have met all program approval requirements of Wis. Admin. Code sec. PI 34. In 2011, The Wisconsin State Legislature passed Act 166, which requires the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to produce an annual report of the state’s educator preparation programs (EPP). The report must include information on program completers and first-time passage rates on state-required performance assessments. Covers data from the 2020-22 school years including data on enrollment and completion of educator preparation programs, passage rates on licensure exams, educator recruitment, shortage areas, demographics, salary and fringe, retention, and retirement. Covers data from the 2019-21 school years including data on enrollment and completion of educator preparation programs, passage rates on licensure exams, shortage areas, demographics, salary and fringe, retention, and retirement. candidates who completed their program between 9/1/2018 and 8/31/2019 candidates who applied for a Wisconsin license 9/1/2018 and 8/31/2019 candidates who were employed in WI public school during the 2019-2020 school year statewide test results for all test takers between 9/1/2018 and 8/31/2019 candidates who completed their program between 9/1/2017 and 8/31/2018 candidates who applied for a Wisconsin license 9/1/2017 and 8/31/2018 candidates who were employed in WI public school during the 2018-2019 school year statewide test results for all test takers between 9/1/2017 and 8/31/2018 candidates who completed their program between 9/1/2016 and 8/31/2017 candidates who applied for a Wisconsin license 9/1/2016 and 8/31/2017 candidates who were employed in WI public school during the 2017-2018 school year statewide test results for all test takers between 9/1/2016 and 8/31/2017 candidates who completed their program between 9/1/2015 and 8/31/2016 candidates who applied for a Wisconsin license 9/1/2015 and 8/31/2016 candidates who were employed in WI public school during the 2016-2017 school year statewide test results for all test takers between 9/1/2015 and 8/31/2016 WI educator preparation programs must demonstrate alignment with national standards or licensure content guidelines as indicated below for program approval. The department uses the standards embedded in Subchapter II of PI 34 and national standards for license subject area content guidelines. Wisconsin content guidelines are utilized when there are no national standards available specific to the license. Educator Preparation Programs should contact their DPI liaison with questions. Standards and guidelines are grouped below by program type: National standards should be adopted for the following licenses unless otherwise indicated. The license-specific standards are available using these links. National standards should be adopted for the following areas. The license-specific national standards are available using these links. American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards for School Counselor Preparation Programs or National standards should be adopted for the following areas unless otherwise indicated. The license-specific standards are available using these links. Looking for content guidelines for supplemental licenses? Jump to that section. National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards (NDLETPS) Contact your DPI liaison for guidance:
Approved Educator Preparation Program
Alverno College, Milwaukee
(414) 382-6268
(414) 382-6231
Beloit College, Beloit
(608) 363-2078
(608) 363-2322
(608) 363-2325
Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee
(414) 410-4006
(414) 410-4368
Carroll University, Waukesha
(262) 650-4974
Carthage College, Kenosha
(262) 551-5831
CESA 1 PBL – Proficiency-Based Licensure
(262) 787-9500 ext 9547
(262) 787-9523
CESA 2 - Licensure Academy for School Staff (CLASS)
(715) 460-1086
Kaycee Rogers, CLASS Coordinator
(920) 723-3649
CESA 4 - Alternative Licensing Pathways Supports & Services (ALPSS)
(608) 786-4800
(608) 786-4800
CESA 6 RITE – Residency in Teacher Education
(920) 651-3517
CESA 7 TDC – Teacher Development Center
(920) 373-7390
(920) 371-3113
CESA 9 ETP - Excellence in Teaching Program
(715) 453-2141
(715) 453-2141
College of Menominee Nation, Keshena
(715) 799-6226
Jennifer Morris, Faculty
(715) 799-5600
Concordia University, Mequon
(262) 243-4203
(262) 243-4546
Edgewood College, Madison
(608) 663-2372
(608) 663-4335
(715) 246-6555
(715) 246-6555
Lakeland College, Sheboygan
(920) 565-1000
(920) 565-1021
Lawrence University, Appleton
(920) 832-6714
Maranatha Baptist University, Watertown
(920) 206-2341
(920) 206-2345
Marian University, Fond du Lac
(920) 923-7363
Marquette University, Milwaukee
(414) 288-5890
Milwaukee Public Schools University, Milwaukee
(414) 475-8841
Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee
(414) 277-2230
(414) 277-2486
Michele Trawicki, Program Director - MBA in Education Leadership
(414) 277-7378
Mount Mary University, Milwaukee
(414) 930-3160
Urban Learning Collaborative (ULC) – Urban Learning Collaborative (ULC)
(414) 375-0168
Suzana Bjelic, Admission Assistant
(414) 375-2635
Northland College, Ashland
(715) 682-1349
Ripon College, Ripon
(920) 748-8698
St. Norbert College, DePere
(920) 403-3142
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
(715) 836-4758
(920) 465-2003
(608) 785-8134
(608) 262-4602
(414) 251-8510
Andrew Davis, Associate Dean/Head of School
(414) 251-7085
Christie Peters, Director, Office of Clinical Experience
(414) 229-4352
(920) 424-3322
(608) 342-1130
(608) 342-1485
(715) 346-2040
(715) 232-4088
(715) 394-8145
(715) 394-8071
(262) 472-5380
Gretchen Kinney, Licensing Officer
(262) 472-1059
Viterbo University, LaCrosse
(608) 796-3385
Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee
(414) 443-8565Note for educator preparation programs:
Program Approval
Program Approval Resources
Licensing Resources
Other Resources
Contains Data About
2016 State Report
2015 State Report
2014 State Report
2013 State Report
Administration content guidelines
Educator Preparation Programs should contact their DPI liaison with questions.
Pupil Services content guidelines
Educator Preparation Programs should contact their DPI liaison with questions.
Content Guidelines
School Counselor (7054)
School Psychologist (7062)
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Professional Standards
School Social Worker (7050)
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Standards for School Social Work Services
Teaching content guidelines
Educator Preparation Programs should contact their DPI liaison with questions.Supplemental license content standards
Content Guidelines
Adaptive Education (1859)
WI Content Guidelines for Adaptive Education
Adapted Physical Education (1860)
Adapted Physical Education National Standards
Alternative Education (1952)
WI Content Guidelines for Alternative Education
Assistive Technology (1858)
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Advanced Specialty Set: Special Education Technology Specialist
Bilingual-Bicultural (1023)
Coaching Athletics (1540)
Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America Standards for Sport Coaches
Driver Education (1450, 1455)
PI 34.080 requirements
Gifted and Talented (1014)
Reading Teacher (1316)
International Literacy Association Standards: Reading Literacy Specialist Set