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WISEdata Portal School Roster Details Page

WISEdata Portal School Roster Details Page: Overview


The Roster School Details page provides a school-level look at the state of your Roster data as it has come from your local student information system (SIS) to WISEdata. You may select filters to narrow down the type of course work data you'd like to view. The main section of the page displays all the Roster data for the particular school and term you've selected. Review your school-level Roster data to check for inaccuracies or potential issues with submission. Recall that if you want student-specific course data, you can view Roster data in the Student Details screen.

School Roster Details: Filters

The top section of the page offers available Filter options. You can filter by Year, School Type, Schools, Term Type, Program Type, Program, and Local Course Code. 

The current school year defaults in, though you may change it, as well as choose other Filter drop-down options.

You must select the required fields Schools and Term Type.

  • Depending on the school you choose, the Term Type options presented reflect the term options at that school. For example, if the high school you select has quarters for terms, then once you choose that high school, you'll see the four quarters as Term Type options in the drop-down menu.

School Roster Details: Results

Roster school-level results display course codes and titles and other course information, such as Rigor Level, if it's a CTE Course, and Section Count.

The table of results have the following headers: 

  • Term Descriptor: The Term displayed in the Results section is based on the School's term selected in the Filter section's required fields.
  • Session Begin and End Date: Begin Date and End Date are collected to define the specific time span of the term. These dates should belong to the school year for which the data is submitted.
  • Section Identifier (Unique Section Code): A unique identifier for the section that is defined by the classroom, the subjects taught, and the instructors who are assigned.
  • Local Course CodeLocal course code defines the the LEA-assigned local code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students.
  • Local Course TitleLocal course title defines the descriptive name given to a course of study offered in the school, if different from the SCED Course Title.
  • Sequence of CourseSequence of Course is the order number when a course section is part of a sequence of multiple course parts. If the course has only one part, the value of this Section should be 1.
  • CTE Course: Denotes whether or not the course is a designated Career Education course. You can find these on the Courses data element page by setting the CTE Course filter to 'yes' and then clickin the "Apply" button. 
  • Course CodeA reference to the related DPI-populated Course resource, including its information, such as the ID of the Educational Organization that defines the curriculum and courses offered, often the LEA or school, or the actual code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students.
  • Student Count: Using the filters, you can search for courses with a certain number of students as less than or greater than your filter selection.
  • Staff Count: Using the filters, you can search for courses with a certain number of staff members as less than or greater than your filter selection.

You can apply sort/filter options for each column by clicking the funnel-shaped Filter icon. You can search exact words or codes or partial matches. Click the column headers to order in ascending/descending sequence.

Section Details: Viewable When a Table Row Item is Expanded

Click the arrow icon on the left side of a row to view Program and section information as well as other details, such as class period and location.

  • Classroom Identification Code: Classroom Identification Code defines a unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, or other agency or entity.
  • Rigor Level: The difficulty level of the course, such as Honors/Advanced, or General/Regular.
  • AP/IB: Denotes whether or not the course meets the qualifications of an Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) course.
  • Clusters: Cluster Title (formerly Career Pathway Type) is the career cluster for the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator career path. More than one may be listed.
  • CTE Department (Program Area Type): The CTE Department/Program Areas Type represents the Vocational/Career Tech career pathway of the concentrator.
  • Programs: Programs are collected with a specific code set on WISEdata Portal, displayed either on the School Roster Details screen or on a Specific Student Details screen.
  • Primary Language of Instruction: Language of Instruction data element is a roster indicator. LEAs should send the primary language in which instruction is delivered for this data element.


As you review your Roster data, you may notice potential issues or inaccuracies. Because DPI holds high data quality standards, it is necessary to resolve issues with your Roster data. Once you have made the updates in your SIS to correct your errors, they will be pushed to WISEdata. Work with your SIS vendor as needed to make any necessary changes or submit a support request for assistance. 


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