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CESA 11 American Indian Studies: Implementing Wisconsin Act 31

Event Date

Friday, May 4, 2018 -
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
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Event Description

This day-long workshop will provide in-depth presentation and discussion on American Indian Studies in Wisconsin (often referenced as Wisconsin Act 31). The focus of the training is to help educators understand and implement Wisconsin Act 31, which is a state law requiring all public school districts and pre-service teacher programs to provide instruction in the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of the 11 federally-recognized American Indian nations in the state of Wisconsin.

The workshop is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and information they need to integrate the requirements of American Indian Studies into lesson plans, material selections, pedagogical practices, and district curriculum. Information about the Wisconsin Indian nations’ histories, treaty rights, sovereignty, and cultures will be presented throughout the training workshop.

The goals of the training are to share best practices, information, model programs, and resources with administrators and teachers so that they are knowledgeable about American Indian Studies in Wisconsin and are able to meet the requirements of Wisconsin Act 31.

Please note this training workshop will meet the licensure stipulation if the training workshop is completed along with completing two follow-up assignments.

Please register for American Indian Studies: Implementing Wisconsin Act 31 on Friday, May 4, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Conference Center at CESA #11.

Cost: (includes registration, materials and meal fees)
Consortium: $15 Non-Consortium: $265


CESA 11 Conference Center
225 Ostermann Drive
Turtle Lake, WI 54889



Melissa Moe
(715)986-2020, ext. 2127
Abby Witter
(715)986-2020, ext.2147
Katie Orf
(715)986-2020, ext. 2209