On this webpage, you will find a variety of national and academic resources about educational and other factors that impact American Indian/Alaska Native students, families, communities and tribal nations. Additionally, you will find links to dedicated search engines that will facilitate finding other resources.
Articles for American Indian Studies and Native Education Research
While educational practices, especially around teaching and learning, have moved towards a reliance on research-based and scientifically proven strategies, information related to the best practices for instruction of American Indian students continues to be developed and grow overtime. The following hyperlink you will find resources regarding the effective teaching of American Indian students. REL Central Information Request: Compilation of Abstracts Effective Teaching of American Indian Students.
Journal and Magazine Databases for American Indian Studies and Native Education Research
In addition to the above resources, there are multiple journal and magazine databases that have been created over the past decade. These journals and magazines provide up to date and recent information about the best practices for the education and instruction of American Indian students, as well as ongoing development of American Indian studies.
- American Indian Culture & Resource Journal
- American Indian Quarterly
- Indigenous Nations Journal
- Indigenous Policy Journal
- Journal of American Indian Education
- Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Journal
- Studies in American Indian Literatures
- Tribal College Journal
- wicazo sa Review: Association for American Indian Research
- Winds of Change
National Research Studies and Statistical Reports
Below are specific reports and studies that summarize the progress of American Indian students in terms of their instruction and academic achievement. These research studies and statistical reports help provide foundational information about American Indian students ranging from early childhood education, 4K-12 and higher education outcomes.
- Achievement Gap Patterns of Grade 8 American Indian and Alaska Native Students in Reading and Mathematics
- Addressing Trauma in American Indian and Alaska Native Youth
- American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States Wall Maps 2010
- American Indian and Alaska Native Students in U.S. High Schools
- American Indian College Fund: Facts About American Indian Education
- American Indian Education: The Role of Tribal Education Departments
- A Report on the Status of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Education: Historical Legacy to Cultural Empowerment
- A Teacher's Tool for Reflective Practice: Racial and Cultural Differences in American Indian Students' Classrooms
- Becoming Visible: A Landscape Analysis of State Efforts to Provide Native American Education for All
- Behavioral Health Services for American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Bureau of Indian Education Report on Student Achievement and Growth: 2014-15 to 2016-2017
- Creating Visibility and Healthy Learning Environments for Native Americans in Higher Education
- Engaging Native American Learners with Rigor and Cultural Relevance
- Equity by Design The State of Education: Equity Considerations for Asian American, Immigrant, American Indian, and Dis/abled Students
- Every Student Succeeds Act Primer: American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Students
- Interdisciplinary Manual for American Indian Inclusion
- Integrating Home Visiting in State and Tribal Early Childhood Systems
- Improving Educational Outcomes of American Indian/Alaska Native Students
- Making It Work: Implementing Cultural Learning Experiences in American Indian and Alaska Native Early Learning Settings for Children Ages Birth to 5
- Models of American Indian Education: Cultural Inclusion and the Family/Community/School Linkage
- NARF Indian Education Legal Support Project
- National Congress of American Indian (NCAI): Snapshot of American Indian and Alaska Native Education
- National Indian Education Study 2011
- Native Education 101: Basic Facts about American Indian,. Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Education
- Native Nations and American Schools: The History of Natives in the American Education System
- Native Youth Report: The White House
- National Indian Education Association NIEA Preliminary Report on No Child Left Behind in Indian Country
- Partnerships Between Tribal Education Departments and Local Education Agencies
- Promising Education Interventions to Improve the Achievement of Native American Students
- Resurgence: Restructuring Urban American Indian Education
- School Culture and American Indian Educational Outcomes
- Selecting Diverse Resources of Native American Perspective for the Curriculum Center: Children’s Literature, Leveled Readers, and Social Studies Curriculum
- State of the Field: The Role of Native Languages and Cultures in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Student Achievement
- Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Striving to Achieve: Helping Native American Students Succeed
- The Condition of College and Career Readiness 2015: American Indian Students
- The Meriam Report (1928)
- The State of Education for Native Students
- Tribal Best Practices A Toolkit with Best Practices, Research, and Resources
- Tribal Leaders Speak: The State of Indian Education
- Tribal Nations and the United States: An Introduction
- State and Federal Policy: Native American Youth
- Urban Indian America: The Status of American Indian & Alaska Native Children & Families Today
- Walk Softly and Listen Carefully: Building Research Relationships with Tribal Communities
- WIDA Focus On: American Indian English Language Learners
- Voices of Native Educators: Strategies that Support Success of Native High School Students
- Voices of Native Youth Report: Volume 3
- Voices of Native Youth Report: Volume 2
- Voices of Native Youth Report: Volume 1
- White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education (WHIAIANE) School Environment Listening Sessions Final Report
Search Engines and Academic Databases
While there are many search engines available, the resources listed below have a specific education focus or are more specific to research that will lead to academic and other research sources. By accessing these resources, you can search for American Indian Studies, Native education research, evaluation, and policy materials.