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About Us

The Library Services Team within the Division for Libraries & Technology serves as Wisconsin's State Library Administrative Agency and works to empower Wisconsin's libraries to best serve their communities' needs.

Library Services Team Directory

(888) 542-5543 (toll-free for calls generated within Wisconsin)

Name   Contact Information
Ben Miller Director
(608) 224-6168
Beth Tomev Assistant Director
(608) 266-7410
Melissa Aro Data Analyst & State Data Coordinator
(608) 267-0376
Chris Baker Public Library Consultant, Games and Learning Consultant
(608) 264-6709
Diane Casselberry Interlibrary Loan Librarian
(608) 267-5078

Jennifer Champoux

BadgerLink Outreach & Training Specialist

(608) 224-5390
Michael Dennison Interlibrary Loan Coordinator
(608) 264-6717
Mary Hutnik

Document Depository Librarian

(608) 224-6172

Arshad Iqbal

Grants Coordinator

(608) 266-2853

Michele Martinsen

Interlibrary Loan Librarian

(608) 224-5381
Karla Meister

Contracts Specialist

(608) 224-2809

Elizabeth Neuman

Digital Services Coordinator

(608) 224-5389

Joy Pohlman

WISCAT Technical Coordinator

(608) 267-9130

Jennifer Robertson

Operations Program Associate

(608) 264-6704
Teresa Schmidt Public Library Administration Consultant
(608) 224-6167
Jeni Schomber Public Library Consultant
(608) 266-2749

Abby Swanton

Wisconsin Digital Archive Technical Coordinator

Monica Treptow

School Library Media Consultant

(608) 575-6065

Library News

Email Discussion Lists & Groups

The Library Services Team moderates the following email lists, each organized around library information and topics relevant to their targeted audiences. Listservs are not open to general audiences and all subscriptions are subject to approval by list administrators. Please contact the listserv administrator for more information and to inquire about subscribing to a specific list.

List Name Target Audience List Administrator(s)
LIBCERTCE Wisconsin library system staff covering director certification and continuing education; closed discussion group  
LIBRARYIT Wisconsin library system technology staff; closed discussion group


WISCAT Anyone associated with Wisconsin libraries participating in and interested in sharing procedures, ideas and promotion tips around WISCAT interlibrary loan.  send blank email to:
WISPUBDIR Closed announcements list for Wisconsin Public Library Directors only. Directors are automatically added upon hire, with the option to unsubscribe.


WISSYSDIR Wisconsin Library System Directors only; closed discussion group


YS Wisconsin Library Staff Serving Children, Teens, and Families; DPI announcements only

Subscribe to the state Youth Services email list

YSANDSN Wisconsin Youth Services and Inclusive Services System Staff and Liaisons; closed discussion group


Collaborations and Partnerships

  • Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC): DPI contracts with the CCBC to provide a collection of examination copies of children and young adult literature for use by educators, librarians, and students. 
  • Council on Library and Network Development (COLAND): The 19-member council, appointed by the governor, advises the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (DPI) to ensure that all citizens have access to library and information services. 
  • Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)

    DPI supports the creation and maintenance of digital collections of cultural heritage materials in Wisconsin by collaborating with the Milwaukee Public Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WiLS, and the Wisconsin Historical Society on the Recollection Wisconsin service hub, the on-ramp to DPLA for the state’s cultural heritage organizations of all sizes, ensuring that local digital collections can be discovered as part of this groundbreaking national program.

  • Milwaukee Public Library: DPI contracts with the Milwaukee Public Library to allow Wisconsin residents to borrow items through interlibrary loan. 

  • PBS Wisconsin Education: Provides free to use, standards-aligned, Wisconsin-focused media for grades PreK-12, including videos, games, interactive content, educator guides, and more, as well as professional development events, resources, and peer communities to support teaching practice.

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries: DPI contracts with the UW-Madison Libraries to allow Wisconsin residents to borrow items through interlibrary loan. 

  • Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin State Law Library provide additional state library services.

  • Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library (WTBBL): DPI contracts with the WTBBL to act as the Wisconsin service partner to deliver the Newsline for the Blind service, provided by the National Federation of the Blind.