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Workforce Partnerships to Help Job Seekers

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State workforce partners are great sources of information, offer services to refer library users, and can even help host events and trainings. Collaboration opportunities vary by region, please contact your local partners about how best to provide services to support your community.

Job Center of Wisconsin

Operated by the Wisconsin Workforce Development Boards, each regional job center provides job services, training, and employment assistance.

Job Center locations directory is the online portal connecting job seekers with employment opportunities throughout Wisconsin. Users can create an account on the Job Center of Wisconsin website to search for jobs, to RSVP to workforce-related events and courses, to learn about your local labor market, and to create a resume with the Job Center of Wisconsin’s resume builder. Watch an overview webinar.

Wisconsin Workforce Development Boards (WWDBs)

The WWDBs’ 11 regional boards serve as a strategic convener to promote aligned relationships between business representatives, local government, economic development, education, and workforce partners to engage in and implement state-of-the-art talent development solutions tailored to meet the needs of business and job seekers as part of an integrated and effective job-driven workforce development system.

Map of Workforce Development regions & Wisconsin Library Systems

Contact WWDB

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD)

Find a wide variety of employment programs and services on the DWD website, including jobs for people with disabilities, veteran employment programs, resources for former welfare recipients transitioning into work, worker’s rights programs, unemployment insurance information, and details about workers compensation.

Contact DWD

Wisconsin Society for Human Resource Management (WISHRM)

The Wisconsin SHRM Council represents human resource professionals in Wisconsin supported through the national Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a non-profit professional association and the largest human resources association in the world. WISHRM has 19 local chapters across the state, each providing programming and networking opportunities in the local area. WISHRM’s mission is to share its expertise and facilitate thought leadership to advance human capital practices across Wisconsin.

WISHRM volunteers are located across the state and are willing to connect with local libraries to identify ways to work together to support library users in need of workforce assistance, including job searches and interview practice. Volunteers are able to raise awareness of their firms in the community, help their neighbors, and assist local businesses in finding the great talent they need.

WISHRM Training Webinar: Working with Your Local Library

Library staff needing help connecting with WISHRM volunteers, please contact Beth Tomev, (608) 266-7410.

Library Systems and Public Libraries

Library systems oversee and provide services to public libraries in a defined region. They are a great place to start when partnering with neighboring libraries. Contact your Library System.

Public libraries are hubs in their community, offering collection, services, and resources free of charge. Library cards are free* to Wisconsin residents. Partner with libraries to share complimentary resources and to collaborate on dynamic community programming. *Some exclusions apply based on county of residence in relation to the issuing library. Contact your local library.

Wisconsin Library Association (WLA)

The WLA engages, inspires and advocates for library workers and supporters to improve and promote library services for the people of Wisconsin. Look for multiple annual conferences, an annual Library Legislative Day in Madison, and a quarterly newsletter. WLA also offers members access to the Outreach Services Roundtable (OSRT)

Contact WLA

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: Division for Libraries and Technology

The Division serves the life-long learning and information needs of all Wisconsin citizens from preschoolers to senior citizens, and as part of the Division, the Library Services Team works to support Wisconsin's libraries by providing the tools and resources that empower them to best serve their communities' needs. Statewide services include BadgerLink, WISCAT and Interlibrary Loan, the Wisconsin Digital Archives, and Wisconsin Document Repository Program, as well as leadership to the field through Public and School Library consulting.