School Districts receive an annual distribution of earnings from the Common School Fund. This distribution is based on the number of residents ages four to twenty. The district census count as of June 30th is reported annually. In January the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL) provides an estimate of the funds available for distribution which is divided by the total census reported by all districts to determine the per child amount. Each district receives an allocation based on its reported resident census count and the per-child amount.
Information regarding specific district Library Aid Distribution Amounts is provided by the Division for Finance and Management. Questions related to district allocations should be directed to School Financial Consultant Kathleen Fry (608) 224-5343.
2023-2024 Common School Fund Distribution (Library Aid)
Common School Fund distributions for the 2023-24 school year will be $56.87 (rounded) per census student. This figure is based upon the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands’ estimate of $65 million being available for payment. Payments to districts will be made by Monday, April 29, 2024. Funds must be used in the same fiscal year as they are received or allocated as restricted fund balance (WUFAR account 10 B 936130).
2022-2023 Common School Fund Distribution (Library Aid)
Common School Fund distributions for the 2022-23 school year will be $45.38 (rounded) per census student. This figure is based upon the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands’ estimate of $52 million being available for payment. This amount is a conservative estimate and the Department of Public Instruction is confident the funds will be distributed in April 2023. Payments to districts will be made on Monday, April 24, 2023. Funds are to be used in the same fiscal year as they are received or allocated as restricted fund balance (WUFAR account 10 B 936130).