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American Association of School Librarians Conference Highlights

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hello! My name is Amanda Struckmeyer, and I'm a Library Media Specialist at West Middleton Elementary School, which is part of the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District. I live in Madison with my seven-year-old daughter, Sophie, and my husband. I've been involved with the American Library Association (ALA) since 2004; highlights include being part of the Newbery Committee, Caldecott Committee, and Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Advocacy and Legislation Committee. This year, I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to serve as the WEMTA/AASL liaison. I attended the AASL National Conference in Salt Lake City in October, and I'd love to share what I learned with all of you.

This first video recaps a panel discussion with the AASL School Leader Collaborative, a group of principals and superintendents who have been working together to explore the role of the school librarian. Hearing about concrete steps we can take to advocate for ourselves and build our relationships with administrators was enlightening, and I hope the insights in the video are helpful for you too! AASL School Leader Collaborative Video 

The second video recaps a session called “Evolving Practices in Creating a Reading Culture”, which explored ways in which we can leverage strategies used during remote learning to serve our learners beyond the pandemic. Evolving Practices in Creating a Reading Culture Video

Look for more videos and information coming soon!

For questions about this information, contact Monica Treptow (608) 575-6065