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Back to School with BadgerLink

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

In celebration of heading back to school, BadgerLink is sharing multiple guides and resource highlights for our K-12 students and educators.

Last week, BadgerLink Bulletin kicked off a series of resource highlights with Britannica resources: School, Escolar, and Moderna. Each post details the resource itself, along with training tools, ways to use the resource in the classroom and techniques to share with students and colleagues. Learn about another resource each week of September. If interested in getting them sent to your inbox, subscribe to BadgerLink Bulletin at

In addition to resource highlights, check out the new grade level guides! These guides highlight “best bets” and the most popular BadgerLink resources, saving you time and ensuring students use relevant and appropriate resources that meet their level of complexity for research and exploration.

Please share these guides with your students, parents, families, educators, and colleagues. Or link to these guides on your website or learning management system so students can access resources by grade level, from anywhere!

Want to dive into a particular BadgerLink resource in these guides? Request personalized training or check out our training page for on-demand videos and info sheets.

For questions about this information, contact Jennifer Champoux (608) 224-5390