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Aid Payment Adjustments

Reasons for State Aid Adjustments

State law directs school district state aid payments to be withheld in full or in part for the following reasons:

Actual and Projected State Aid Adjustments

The Actual and Projected State Aid Adjustments workbook details the current estimates of the statutorily required adjustments above and identifies the actual and projected withholdings from state aid payments. The workbook is intended to explain differences between districts eligibility for state aids and the amount actually paid, if any. The workbook also shows the projected future state aid adjustments for cash flow planning purposes. The workbook is based on the best currently available information, which is subject to change, and therefore this workbook will be updated periodically throughout the year.

June and July Aid Payment Reconciliation

The June Aid Payment Reconciliation workbook details the information pertaining to the June General Aid payments. These aid payments may be adjusted for the statutorily required reasons identified above as applicable to your district.

Additional state aids withheld throughout the fiscal year to cover these adjustments are also included in the reconciliation workbook. The Aid Payment Reconciliation workbook is designed to assist with the proper transaction coding of these payments and adjustments.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114