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Maps showing the different regions along with each CESA belonging to that region

For the purposes of developing and disseminating regional career pathways, Wisconsin is divided into seven regions. A region is defined by the geographic boundaries of the local regional economic development organization (REDO). Regional career pathway collaborative groups consist of representation from employers, workforce and economic development organizations, higher education, districts, and Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs).

A collaborative addresses many aspects of selecting, building, and evaluating high-skill, in-demand regional career pathways in high schools. Leveraging the collective resources of a region provides districts and students with greater access to career pathways.

In the process, a collaborative also acts as an advisory group to identify and overcome barriers that may prevent students from accessing a pathway (e.g., college curriculum that is not aligned with the career pathway).

To get more information, find the region nearest you and click below.

7 Rivers

7 Rivers Regional Contacts

Amanda Langrehr,, (608) 386-7846

Regional Career Pathways offered:


School Districts - Pathways Offered

On the list of approved career pathways, choose the regional tab to see the pathways offered in individual districts.

Great Northwest

Great Northwest RCP Contact

Dani Lewandowski, , (715) 986-2020, ext. 2117

Regional Career Pathways offered:


School Districts - Pathways Offered

On the list of approved career pathways, choose the regional tab to see the pathways offered in individual districts.

Madison Regional Economic Partnership (MadREP)

MadRep RCP Contact

Joel Mindham,, (608) 745-5481

MadRep Regional Career Pathways

MadREP School Districts - Pathways Offered

On the list of approved career pathways, choose the regional tab to see the pathways offered in individual districts.

Milwaukee 7

Milwaukee 7 RCP Contacts

Eric Hill, CESA 1,, (262) 787-9500, ext. 9638

Milwaukee 7 Regional Career Pathways

School Districts - Pathways Offered 

On the list of approved career pathways, choose the regional tab to see the pathways offered in individual districts.

New North

New North RCP Contact

Valerie Brooks,, (920) 676-7606

New North Regional Career Pathways

School Districts - Pathways Offered

On the list of approved career pathways, choose the regional tab to see the pathways offered in individual districts.

North Central Wisconsin

North Central RCP Contact

Brooke Holbrook, CESA 8,, (920) 676-8065

North Central Regional Career Pathways

School Districts - Pathways Offered

On the list of approved career pathways, choose the regional tab to see the pathways offered in individual districts.

Prosperity Southwest

Prosperity SW Regional Contact

Darla Burton, CESA 3,, (608) 822-2147

Prosperity SW Regional Career Pathways

School Districts - Pathways Offered

On the list of approved career pathways, choose the regional tab to see the pathways offered in individual districts.