Downloadable Reports
Annual Report Data
The Annual Report contains the financial data submitted by each school district in compliance with Wisconsin State Statute §120.18. The Annual report data is audited by independent audit firms and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Data from this report is used in the calculation of general and categorical state aid. This download section is organized by fiscal year and to expedite the download process the file has been broken into alphabetical ranges.
Budget Report Data
The Budget Report contains the anticipated revenue and expenditure financial data submitted by each school district. This report is filed in compliance with Wisconsin State Statute §121.05. This download section is organized by fiscal year and to expedite the download process the file has been broken into alphabetical ranges.
Membership Report Data
The Membership Report contains pupil count data submitted by each school district. This report is filed in compliance with Wisconsin State Statute §121.05. The membership report data is audited by independent audit firms and DPI. The data is used in the calculation of general aid and revenue limits, the data is organized by fiscal year and broken out by the January and September file submissions.