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State Aid Payments to School Districts

Section E of Basic Facts

Information on state aid paid during a school year is retrieved from records of aid payments made by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) from July 1 to June 30 of each fiscal year. This section details only aids paid to school districts, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs), County Handicapped Children's Education Boards (CHCEBs) and Charter Schools. This section does not detail aid paid to private schools, public library systems, county social service agencies or other agencies not specifically listed above. It also does not include school aids paid by state departments other than DPI. Definitions of terms used in aid program descriptions are provided in Section I (glossary).

State aid programs can be categorized into two reimbursement types:


Formula-based aid programs are generally computed from prior year cost and prior year pupil data. These include all the general aid programs and categorical aid programs such as pupil transportation, state tuition, common school fund, driver education and handicapped education.

Grant Programs

Reimbursements for grant programs (where grant awards documents are issued) are usually computed on a current year claim/reimbursement basis.

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114