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Formative Practices in Science

Science Formative Assessment Resources

Formative practices play a crucial role in assessing students' learning in the science classroom. Check out these resources to formatively assess your students scientific learning!

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Next Generation Science Assessment

The NGSA group is applying an evidence-centered design approach to create classroom-ready assessments for teachers to use formatively to gain insights into their students’ progress on achieving the NGSS performance expectations.

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The Stanford NGSS Assessment Project

The SNAP is focusing on ways that high-quality performance assessment can support the implementation process.

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Performance Assessment Resource Bank

Include high-quality, expert-reviewed performance tasks and the resources teachers, leaders, and policymakers need to support the use of performance assessment for meaningful learning

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STEM Teaching Tools: PD: Professional Development Session Resources

Includes all of the resources that PD facilitators need to adapt and run equitable 3D formative assessment sessions—including slides, speaker notes, facilitator guide, and embedded resources. The PD modules are focused on equity in formative assessment as a means of providing every student with opportunities to grow their learning. 


Ms. G's Year In Assessment

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This new resource follows Ms. G and her students as they engage in assessment throughout the school year within different grade levels (elementary, middle and secondary) and different content areas (ELA, Math, Physical Science).