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Interim Assessment

What Comes Next For Student Learning?

Pathway with Flags Image

Interim assessments are designed to benchmark and monitor progress by providing multiple data points across time through periodic diagnostic and common assessments that are typically grade-level and school-centered, and that answer "what progress are our students making?" 

Interim Assessment Video

In the video, interim assessments are used to track student progress within the teaching and learning cycle. Interim data is used to inform groupings, interventions, and instructional plans. This data can reveal trends and helps educators monitor the performance of student groups, entire classrooms, whole grade levels, and schools.

Key messages highlighted in the video include:

  • Interim assessments are designed to benchmark and monitor progress
  • Data from interim assessments:
    • Informs SLOs and decisions related to pacing, grouping, enrichment, and remediation
    • Provides multiple data points across time
    • Permits aggregation and trend analysis at the classroom-, grade-, school-, or district-levels

Interim Assessment Video Supplement

Interim Assessment Gas Gauge

​This video can be used to support educators' professional development related to assessment literacy. Consider using the supplement to kick off your next PLC meeting to enhance your own assessment literacy.

Video Supplement