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Strategic Assessment Systems Module

Strategic Assessment Systems Module 

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In this module, you will learn how to use a strategic assessment system to select, implement, and interpret the results of both local and state assessments - formative, interim, and summative - to inform teacher practice and improve student achievement.

Units can be accessed individually, or as a collective learning module. Learn about the Assessment Literacy or Data Literacy modules.

Unit 1: Strategic Assessment Systems

Description: Understand the importance of utilizing Strategic Assessment Systems to improve student outcomes.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators, school board members, superintendents


Individual Learning

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E-Learning Course

Facilitated Learning 

Training Icon

30-40 minutes
Facilitator's Guide

Unit 2: Formative Assessment Practices 

Description: Walk through the formative assessment process and learn the fundamentals of implementing quality formative assessment practices.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators, school board members, superintendents

Individual Learning

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E-Learning Course

Facilitated Learning 

Training Icon

60-90 minutes
Facilitator's Guide

Unit 3: Interim Assessment

Description: Walk through the interim assessment process and how it can be used to inform educational decisions as well as communicate student progress and performance.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators, school board members, superintendents

Individual Learning

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E-Learning Course

Facilitated Learning 

Training Icon

40 minutes
Facilitator's Guide

Unit 4: Summative Assessment

Description: Learn about the characteristics of summative assessment and how it can be used to inform educational decisions and communicate student performance.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators, school board members, superintendents

Individual Learning

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E-Learning Course

Facilitated Learning 

Training Icon

40 minutes
Facilitator's Guide