Data Literacy Module

In this module, you will learn why data literacy is essential for to interpret and use local and state assessment data, inform practices and improve student achievement. You will gain an overall understanding of data literacy, how to effectively use student data, what it means to be a data-literate educator, and also be introduced to the Wisconsin Information System for Education (WISE).
Units can be accessed individually, or as a collective learning module. Learn about the Assessment Literacy or Strategic Assessment Systems modules.
Unit 1: Introduction to Data Literacy
Description: Learn about data literacy including a framework for building a culture of data use, the definition of data literacy, and the types of data important to informing practice and improving student outcomes.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators, school board members
Unit 2: Effective Data Use
Description: Explore the fundamentals of effective data use within an organization and how they support a process for continuous improvement.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators, school board members
Unit 3: Data-Literate Educators
Description: Build a foundation of data-literate practices that impact student learning and professional growth.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators
Unit 4: Introduction to Wisconsin Information System for Education (WISE)
Description: Learn about the Wisconsin Information System for Education (WISE), including WISEdata, WISEdash, WISELearn, and WISExplore.
Audience: Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, administrators
Individual Learning

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