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Contact and Technical Support

CESA Support Leaders

DPI has contracted with CESAs to provide training, up-to-date answers to questions about the system, and support to districts for all aspects of successful implementation. Contact your regional CESA to learn how they can support you.

Support for the Frontline Education Employee Evaluation platform

DPI Help Center for Frontline Education EEM Platform

Members of the DPI Licensing, Educator Advancement & Development Team can also assist and support you. 

Jennifer Kammerud

Jacob (Jake) Hollnagel
Education Consultant
Policy, Equivalency, System Evaluation, Communications, and Training Support

Laura Ruckert
Education Consultant
Website, Communications, Frontline Education Professional Growth, Training Support

Liz Barbarick
Grants Specialist
Educator Effectiveness Grant, Peer Review and Mentoring Grant

Uncertain of who to contact with your question?