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Optional EE Support Personnel

team with conversation bubbles illustration

The following roles can help to implement the EE System with integrity and fidelity, as well as strengthen a collaborative culture. DPI does not require these roles as part of the EE processes. The implementation of these roles requires adequate time and resources (e.g., training and access to data) to effectively carry out their support functions.

EE Implementation

System Coordinator

An EE System Coordinator is a district and/or building level position that provides local support for the EE System. Coordinators serve as a local EE designee whose duties may include but are not limited to:

  • work with district and building leaders to ensure the EE System is being implemented as required by state law,
  • support in decisions related to local implementation, and/or
  • coordinate all EE system training and evaluation certification requirements.

EE Implementation Team

Districts that convene a diverse team of educator stakeholders to provide guidance and feedback related to system implementation are able to make meaningful system decisions and refinements through shared leadership. Teams meet regularly throughout the year, and use local system data to inform next steps.


More information related to the EE Continuous Cycle of Improvement and ongoing, professional conversations can be found in the EE System User Guides.

Peer Reviewers

A peer reviewer is an educator colleague who reviews another's Educator Effectiveness Plan (EEP) and provides formative feedback in the Supporting Years of the EE Cycle.


Formative assessment of educator practice conducted by mentors is confidential and may not be included as part of the school district's formal evaluation of an initial educator.

A mentor supports the mentee in their first year of employment (EE Summary Year) by providing ongoing, formative feedback outside of summative, Educator Effectiveness (EE) conferences.

For mentoring guidance, mentor training materials, and other resources: 
Teacher Induction & Mentoring

Instructional Coaches

Instructional coach roles are defined and utilized differently at the local level. However, linking the professional conversations they are having with educators around instructional strategies to goals within the Educator Effectiveness Plan (EEP) can enhance the ongoing, formative feedback an educator receives throughout the EE Cycle.