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Educator Effectiveness Funding and Grants

The Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System is supported by grants from the state of Wisconsin.

The Educator Effectiveness Grant (PI-1621)

In 2011, the Wisconsin Legislature passed and the governor signed into law Act 166, which created Wis. Stat. § 115.415. Act 166, in part, creates an appropriation to fund statewide implementation of the Educator Effectiveness System at $80 per educator through a grant to school districts and independent charter schools (LEAs), otherwise known as the Educator Effectiveness (EE) Grant program. The EE Grant program is an annual allocation which is non-discretionary. All LEAs required to use the EE System must apply, annually, to receive funds EE Grant funds.

To make resources available statewide, Wis. Stat. § 115.415 (2) authorized the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to charge a fee to LEAs, which are reimbursed by the EE Grant program. LEAS will receive $80 per educator (i.e., superintendents, principals, teachers, and certain other licensed educator roles) in 2022-23 to cover the costs associated with system development, training, software, support, resources, and ongoing refinement.

The EE Grant is an annual allocation which is non-discretionary. All LEAs required to use the EE System must submit an application, annually, in order to receive funds.

The rough application timeline is as follows:

  1. Fall: DPI emails eligible applicants with the new EE Grant application;
  2. Late Fall: Applicants return completed applications to DPI at the contact information provided on the application;
  3. Winter: DPI issues grant awards to applicants as they complete the application process;
  4. By June 30: Awardees must encumber any grant funds and finish their grant activities; and
  5. By September 30: Awardees must finish expending any remaining encumbrances and submit a final claim form (PI-1086) in order to receive reimbursement.

2024-25 School Year (FY25) Application Process

Application availability status:EE Grant applications have been distributed to district and independent charter administrators of eligible applicants.

Applications are due November 30, 2024.

      Questions?  Email DPI LEAD Grants

The Peer Review and Mentoring Grant (PI-1657)

The Peer Review and Mentoring Grant (PRMG) program provides support for public school districts, independent public charter schools, and Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs) to develop new or refine existing peer review and mentoring support programs for initial educators in Wisconsin. The PRMG is a competitive, discretionary grant that school districts, independent public charter schools, and CESAs may apply for annually.

For more details and PRMG impact reports: Peer Review and Mentoring Grants

General Guidelines

By law, the EE Grant and the PRMG are annual allocations and funding cannot be carried over the fiscal year.

In order to be reimbursed, awardees must follow the fiscal management guidelines set by the state. The DPI School Financial Services Team provides guidance for managing state and federal grants. The Wisconsin Uniform Financial Accounting Requirements (WUFAR) code book provides guidance to properly account for the line items.

Awardees must obligate their funds by the end of the fiscal year in which the funds were awarded. Each fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 the following year. Funds must be liquidated 90 days from the end of the grant period. Awardees use the Program Fiscal Report (PI-1086) to claim reimbursement on their grant. Awardees should use the Program Fiscal Report webpage to find instructions for properly completing and submitting claim forms.

Budget Modifications

Awardees may modify their grant programs and budget provided they notify DPI at least 30 days in advance of making any changes by completing the relevant budget modification form. Awardees may make spending changes of less than 10 percent of the total award to a previously approved budget line without prior approval.

2022-23 budget modification resources:
Budget Modification Form

The final deadline for budget modifications is May 31, 30 days before the end of the grant period and fiscal year.