support for administrators who conduct evaluations
support for administrators who conduct evaluations
Form Status Indicators
The status of a form may be indicated as one of the following options and will change accordingly throughout the evaluation cycle:
- Not Scheduled - Form needs to be scheduled by the evaluator.
- Proposed - Date/time has been proposed by evaluator or evaluatee and is waiting to be accepted by the other.
- Scheduled - Date/time has been set.
- In Progress - The form is being worked on.
- Incomplete - Form has not been worked on.
- Awaiting Acknowledgement - The information on the form has been entered or the activity has taken place, and the form has been submitted to the evaluatee for review and acknowledgement. The evaluatee has not yet acknowledged the form, but has received an email with the request and the form is listed under Action Required status in the My Evaluation section of their Learning Plan. Not all forms require evaluatee acknowledgement.
- Awaiting Finalization - Evaluatee has acknowledged the form and it is ready to be finalized by the evaluator.
- Complete - Form has been finalized.