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Teachscape No Longer Available: New Evaluator Certification & Calibration Resources 2022-23

Friday, May 20, 2022



DPI has required and provided the Teachscape online platform to state model districts and charters for the certification, calibration, and recertification of the evaluators of teachers (a required process of the EE System). Initially, Teachscape was the only licensed vendor to utilize the 2013 Danielson Framework for Teaching© and provided a research-based set of tools to complete these activities. Frontline Education purchased the Teachscape platform in early 2016. However, Teachscape remained a separate sign-on entity from their other online platforms and tools. Up until now, there have been no other certification/calibration platform vendors that have been approved by DPI to be used by state model district

Where are we now?

Over the last several years, the videos and functionality of the Teachscape platform have become severely outdated, cumbersome, and have a greater focus on scoring than of the purpose of the EE System, coaching using the observed evidence statements aligned to the Danielson rubric. The Teachscape platform lost sole rights to the use of the 2013 Danielson rubric in their certification/calibration platform.

Moving Forward

Therefore, as of July 1st, 2022, DPI will sever the contract with Frontline Education for the provision of the Teachscape platform as the tool to complete evaluator training, certification, and calibration. The agency is currently in a request for proposal procurement process to move forward with a potential contract with a different vendor.

Unfortunately, state procurement timelines will most likely result in a lag between access to Teachscape and the provision of a new tool. Therefore, DPI is developing and, in the coming months, will be providing temporary resources as well as training/calibration activities with flexible delivery methods (download and use locally, or at CESA).

Closing Out Teachscape & Local Record-keeping

Wisconsin users will lose access to the Teachscape platform after June 30, 2022.

Staff who need to complete recertification? It is a local administration decision whether to complete the recertification assessment prior to losing access or wait for the next platform to become available. Reminder that successful certification and recertification completion is valid for 4 years, regardless of employment or employer.

New staff who will need to complete certification? It is a local administration decision whether to have those staff members complete the training and certification assessment prior to June 30th or participate in the training and calibration activities that will be available late summer/early fall.

Make a plan for keeping local completion records.

  1.  Individuals are highly encouraged to download personal records of certification, calibration, and recertification completion.
  2.  Administrators with access to reports can download district reports prior to June 30th.
  3.  DPI will have records available by request.

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