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General Aid


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General Aid is state aid which may be used by the recipient district in financing the general educational programs of the district. Its use is not limited to any specific program, purpose or target population. General Aid can be contrasted with Categorical Aid in that districts are restricted in their use of Categorical Aid.

Click on any of the following links to learn more:

For further information on and description of General Aid Programs, see Basic Facts.

DPI General Aid Factors, Targeting and Payment Files

Factors, Targeting and Payment files contain fiscal information for each of Wisconsin's public school districts and are created each time the School Financial Services (SFS) team produces an aid estimate. The following files are Excel spreadsheets.

Factors File

Contains individual data elements used in the aid calculation. Elements include membership counts, property valuation, shared cost, Inter and Intra membership counts and net cost of the general and debt service funds.

2024-25 - October 15 Aid Certification - General Aid Factors

Targeting File

Contains detailed results of the general aid computations. Results include shared cost and Equalization Aid eligibility by tier, Special Adjustment Aid eligibility and Inter and Intra Aid eligibility.

2024-25 - October 15 Aid Certification - General Aid Targeting

Payment File

Contains the detailed computation of applying the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (Milwaukee Public Schools only). Per Act 58, public school districts no longer have a deduction for the Milwaukee Charter Program. 
Note: Districts will use the October 15, 2024, General Aid payment amount in the 2024-25 Revenue Limit computation to determine allowable controlled levies (Fall 2024).

2024-25 - October 15 Aid Certification - General Aid Payments

For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114