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Worksheets - Miscellaneous


All miscellaneous worksheet files are in Microsoft Word and Excel formats. To access the file, click on the alphabet range that contains the first letter of the school district name. Once the document is opened in Word, click on the "Edit" pulldown menu, click on "Find" and type in the name of your district. This procedure takes you directly to a specific district worksheet.

Membership Worksheets

Since 2006-2007

Membership worksheets for years beginning with 2006-07 school year are found within the School Finance reporting portal.

2005-2006 September Estimate Worksheets

May 27, 2005 Final Aid Membership Calculation

October 15, 2004 Aid Membership Calculation

July 1, 2004 Aid Estimate Membership Calculation

2003-04 Membership General Aid Worksheets (printed September 13, 2004)

October 14, 2003 Membership Counts and FTE Conversion Worksheets (printed October 14, 2003)

All changes to previously-reported membership must be done online in the membership application. Please do not mail paper copy amendments.

03-04 Aid Membership Worksheets (02-03 Data) (printed October, 2003)

03-04 July 1, 2003 Membership Worksheets (02-03 Data) (printed June 30, 2003)

02-03 Final Aid Membership Worksheets (01-02 Data) (printed July 18, 2003)

October 11, 2002 Membership Counts and FTE Conversion Worksheets (printed October 9, 2002)

All changes to previously-reported membership must be done online in the membership application. Please do not mail paper copy amendments.

October 10, 2001 Membership Counts and FTE Conversion Worksheets (printed October 12, 2001)

Transportation Worksheets

View detail eligibility within the School Finance Reporting Portal on the district’s Non Financial Data Home page. Note that this information does not include any prior year adjustments.

January 6, 2011 Transportation Worksheets

December 15, 2009 Transportation Worksheets

December 19, 2008 Transportation Worksheets

December 21, 2007 Transportation Worksheets

December 22, 2006 Transportation Worksheets

December 23, 2005 Transportation Worksheets

January 13, 2005 Transportation Aid Worksheets

January 13, 2004 Transportation Aid Worksheets

January 9, 2003 Transportation Aid Worksheets

January 10, 2002 Transportation Aid Worksheets