WI DPI developed resources available to assist with the progress monitoring requirement of Wisconsin’s Specific Learning Disability rule.
SLD Graphing Tool

This tool has been made available for Individual Educational Program (IEP) teams to summarize the progress monitoring data collected during the implementation of scientific research or evidence based interventions to establish the insufficient progress criterion for initial SLD eligibility determinations. The SLD Rule does not require the use of this tool, but it is hoped that providing a summary of the data in a chart format will aid IEP Team members’ decision-making.
Progress Monitoring for SLD Eligibility Decisions
This document provides information and guidance in response to the specific question: “How does a local educational agency determine whether to use a Curriculum Based Measure (CBM) or a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) when collecting progress data during intensive scientific, research-based or evidence-based interventions for the purpose of making a special education eligibility decision in the area of Specific Learning Disabilities?”
Wisconsin’s Framework for Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Supports

This guidance was developed to support education leaders’ understanding of Wisconsin’s vision for Response to Intervention (RtI) as a multilevel system of behavioral and academic supports designed to increase success for every learner.